Crime Convicted Rapist Sentenced to Physical Castration

Didn't know this was legal in the US. Video title said it was in "Lousisana" so I thought it was indeed happening in another country. Seems barbaric, but who is going to sympathize with a child rapist. Also, do they remove the entire sack or do they just get the nads and leave a big flap of skin hanging?
How is this barbaric?

Hey, I don't mind getting child rapists together and giving them a nice meal and read them bedtime stories and all. As long as you castrate them when that is done then send them to prison. Hopefully the prisoners teach them some more life lessons.
How is this barbaric?

Hey, I don't mind getting child rapists together and giving them a nice meal and read them bedtime stories and all. As long as you castrate them when that is done then send them to prison. Hopefully the prisoners teach them some more life lessons.
Because cutting off body parts as punishment for a crime sounds like some shit they do in third world countries. I haven't looked into it, but I suspect it's not 100% that castration would prevent future abuse. Guy never being around a kid would prevent 100% of abuse though. However, with all that being said, if you read my post you'd see where I have no sympathy for this guy getting clipped like the animal he is.
Because cutting off body parts as punishment for a crime sounds like some shit they do in third world countries. I haven't looked into it, but I suspect it's not 100% that castration would prevent future abuse. Guy never being around a kid would prevent 100% of abuse though. However, with all that being said, if you read my post you'd see where I have no sympathy for this guy getting clipped like the animal he is.
Agree that castration isn't 100% foolproof. I think castration and 30 years should do it though, then parole for life.

Maybe third world countries are doing some things right.
Some people deserve to be tortured
I do believe in vengeance/vandetta but I think that the State should never be involved in inflicting physical punishment. But again, this is a case where the convict has negative value i.e. a rodent, so fuck him.
Any joy that can be taken from him should be.
Because cutting off body parts as punishment for a crime sounds like some shit they do in third world countries. I haven't looked into it, but I suspect it's not 100% that castration would prevent future abuse. Guy never being around a kid would prevent 100% of abuse though. However, with all that being said, if you read my post you'd see where I have no sympathy for this guy getting clipped like the animal he is.

The sex crime recidivism rate for offenders without chemical or physical castration is 50%. With castration it's around 3%. It's very effective, and it's the only treatment that exists for pedophilia.

Your argument seems to boil down to "Well it's not 0% so it's not even worth making the reoffending rate go down by 47%..." Yeah, that logic doesn't make any sense. That 47% is thousands of children saved from horror every year in the US.
The sex crime recidivism rate for offenders without chemical or physical castration is 50%. With castration it's around 3%. It's very effective, and it's the only treatment that exists for pedophilia.

Your argument seems to boil down to "Well it's not 0% so it's not even worth making the reoffending rate go down by 47%..." Yeah, that logic doesn't make any sense. That 47% is thousands of children saved from horror every year in the US.
Did you miss the other part of my post where I said he should never be allowed to be around a child again as that would completely eliminate the possibility for abuse? Did you also miss multiple posts where I said that I have no sympathy for this guy getting castrated? I ask these questions because you are trying to make it sound like I am anti castration and pro child abuse. In reality I said it sounds barbaric because it does. Didn't say I thought it shouldn't happen though.
Didn't know this was legal in the US. Video title said it was in "Lousisana" so I thought it was indeed happening in another country. Seems barbaric, but who is going to sympathize with a child rapist. Also, do they remove the entire sack or do they just get the nads and leave a big flap of skin hanging?
- Same. When clicking in the thread i thought maybe be another country. Never read about this punition!
Is he going to a women's prison? There is literally 0 functional benefit to castrating someone who will be in prison with only other men for the rest of his life. Seems like it's either trying to "transition" to end up in a women's prison, or he plans to kill himself and just wants the state on record having ruled to cut someone's nuts off purely for vengeance with no possible functional benefit to anybody.

Why not give him the death penalty, or even just call it life in prison? You can't really argue "nah, it doesn't really warrant the death penalty or life in prison, so we'll just cut his nuts off and send him for 50 years". I could be convinced that we should start applying more barbaric penalties, but it would be more like a trade off for prison years, like __ crime gets ___ years, or fewer years and we cut your dick off. You run from police, you can either do the full prison term or we'll cut it was down and cut one of your legs off, or sex crimes you can either do the full prison term or get castrated and get out earlier. You steal, we cut your hands off to shorten your term.
why not give him boobs and female hormones while they are at it
I'd rather the west doesn't turn into some barbaric shithole that brings back public hangings, floggings, castrations, amputations etc.

50 years with no parole is perfectly fine punishment for this dude, especially if the word gets out among the inmates of what he's done
The sex crime recidivism rate for offenders without chemical or physical castration is 50%. With castration it's around 3%. It's very effective, and it's the only treatment that exists for pedophilia.

Your argument seems to boil down to "Well it's not 0% so it's not even worth making the reoffending rate go down by 47%..." Yeah, that logic doesn't make any sense. That 47% is thousands of children saved from horror every year in the US.

Doctor Woodchipper respectfully disagrees with your position. ;)
Eh, his choice and if it works that's great.
We do it here as well, and not just for child sex offenders. They chemically castrate people in care with brain injuries to make them easier to deal with (which I'm not OK with, but it doesn't happen in my state).

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