A Truebias log

Belt squats
3 plates + 25lbs on each side for 5x5 (1 min)

Same shit, wider stance
2 plates on each side for 4x8 (1 min)

Leg extensions
120lbs for 3x10 (30 sec)

Ok, so I did that. Yay.
Now that's how you work out!

Flat db press
90lb dbs for 5x5

Spider row, neutral grip
2 plates + 25lbs for 5x5 (strapped)

Alternating incline db press
70lb dbs for 4x8

Face pulls
135lbs for 4x10

All 30 sec, all cock.
Spider row, pronated
3 plates for 4x6 (45 sec; strapped)

Standing oh db press
55lb dbs for 4x6 (45 sec)

Bilateral HS Neutral rows
2 plates on each side for 4x6 (30 sec or less)

30lb dbs for 4x8 (30 sec]

Guess today was the world of 4x6...
Havent done skulls in who knows how long and focused on full ROM since I used DBs.