Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

Yep, and the Canadian COVID protests, and the Occupy Wall Street protests, and the Tiki torch protests, and the Vietnam protests… what’s your point?

You can use specious reasoning to handwave ANY protest… that’s MY point.
At least you’re being consistent.
Yeah, weird how reality can be made to sound silly when you’re inundated with propaganda.


I mean, the numbers are what they are. Do you think the tiny minority doing shitty stuff should override the vast majority who are protesting reasonably?

P.S. I remember during the Canadian protests, this same tactic was used… “OMG, there are Nazi’s, see there was a Nazi flag and all the protesters are Nazis!! We’re going to freeze their bank accounts… what, are YOU a Nazi supporter?!”

It was BS then, and it’s BS now… obviously used to poison the well and stifle legitimate protests.

So just take out the bad apples and let the rest of the protests go on? What am I missing here?
At least you’re being consistent.
Is he, though? I'm not gonna do a quote-a-thon here, but let's just say it doesn't take much effort to see his vastly different opinions on the BLM "protests", compared to the ones he supports.

Seems like he picks and chooses. Notice he used the trucker protest as his example, and not BLM, despite him feigning "consistency".
Is he, though? I'm not gonna do a quote-a-thon here, but let's just say it doesn't take much effort to see his vastly different opinions on the BLM "protests", compared to the ones he supports.

Seems like he picks and chooses. Notice he used the trucker protest as his example, and not BLM, despite him feigning "consistency".
“I don’t have any evidence, but I’m not going to let that stop me from making a false claim anyway.”


Please, do post my “vastly different opinions” on the BLM protests.
So just take out the bad apples and let the rest of the protests go on? What am I missing here?
Pretty much. I would prefer a bit more self-policing, such as pointing out bad apples etc.

People breaking the law should be charged accordingly, but certainly not used to dismiss the grievances of the vast majority of reasonable protesters… or do you think the whole movement should be dismissed because of these agitators?
The avengers have come! Arrests and such things out there as apparently 1000+ protestors showed up to the Met Gala, breached barricades, etc. I hope AOC welcomed them with open arms.

Anyways these video made me laugh. If these were trump supporters, the main stream media would be calling to just mow them down with gun fire. They won’t tho, despite these freaks hating America

This makes me sad. I was to tweet about this shit but my account was shut down for seven days because I told david hogg to choke on the seeds of his favorite fruit. It didn’t even have time to have a complaint filed-it was instantaneous. Just once, I want police to turn around and grab the little impasses that run up to knock down a barricade like the little dude in white with the p flag
“I don’t have any evidence, but I’m not going to let that stop me from making a false claim anyway.”


Please, do post my “vastly different opinions” on the BLM protests.
You asked...

Meh, I think it's a bit disingenuous to ignore the fact that BLM protests had much more violence and destruction than those being held in Canada right now.
Nonetheless, BLM as it stands currently promotes division and disharmony, and in my opinion acts to further marginalize the black community and doing no favors for those it purports to serve.

Oh', look at you calling BLM "divisive" and "violent". Surely not something you picked up from your preferred media sources at the time. If only they were protesting, harassing and attacking Jews, you'd be calling them "righteous" people just standing up for what they believe in.
65 year old Jewish Dartmouth professor and former head of Jewish studies, Annelise Orleck, gets pushed to ground by police to supposedly protect Jewish students.

You asked...

Oh', look at you calling BLM "divisive" and "violent". Surely not something you picked up from your preferred media sources at the time. If only they were protesting, harassing and attacking Jews, you'd be calling them "righteous" people just standing up for what they believe in.

Swing and a miss!

I’ve posted countless times on these issues (BLM and other protests) over a period of years, and the best you could do is to find a post where I compare levels of violence between BLM/truckers and call out BLM leadership for undermining the black community?


Again, please show me where I’ve painted all protesters/protests with the same brush and claimed that all of their grievances should be hand waved due to the few agitators… or kindly troll elsewhere.
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65 year old Jewish Dartmouth professor and former head of Jewish studies, Annelise Orleck, gets pushed to ground by police to supposedly protect Jewish students.

She goes up to the police to try and stop them from doing their job.

Because she is 65 and Jewish doesn't make her any less of a dumbass.
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This is interesting because I have seen posts saying Israel has lost all support with younger people, etc.

Turns out the majority (34%) blame Hamas, 31% blame bibi (19%) and Israel itself (12%)…. 12% blame Biden himself lol.

81% want the protestors held responsible legally and financial for the destruction of property.

67% don’t support the protests due to their tactics.

See goes up to the police to try and stop them from doing their job.

Because she is 65 and Jewish doesn't make her any less of a dumbass.

Probably is also an atheist who identifies as Jewish.

Actually, found her Twitter. Says “organizer and global trouble maker”. Throw the book at this person

I love how all the cops and security just roll their eyes at the protestors lmao

I just picture the cops having a montage playing in their heads of these same people, telling them to fuck off and die during the St Floyd riots, as they come and beg for their help.
See goes up to the police to try and stop them from doing their job.

Because she is 65 and Jewish doesn't make her any less of a dumbass.

Combating the false narrative that all these protesters are all physically attacking Jewish students and that they're all anti-Semitic.

A lot of the protesters are Jewish students and Jewish professors. Jewish Voice for Peace has taken an integral role as well.

And the protesters are even holding Shabbat at some of the colleges. Columbia and UCSD below.

Sounds like those people should be arrested.
The amount that have been arrested across the US is already more that arrived at the capital on Jan 6. If you factor in all the property damage from all of these colleges nationwide it has already dwarfed the property damage at the capital.
In comparison to 2020, this is pretty weak in terms of violence.
Which turns out WAS 2020 was pretty weak on violence when you factor in the amount of people there that wandered around the capitol and looked lost. Then left without doing anything.
The "Forcibly removed police barricades without permission" and "Set off smoke bombs in public spaces" also seems intentionally hyperbolic.
Let's be lucky these future college dropouts engaging in this shit are lefties. In other words... weak, noodle-armed cowards. Notice how none of these protesters out there look like they are on athletic scholarships?
The right immediately rats on each other and bites each other's tiny balls off. Traitor Trump is the biggest rat ever, Zero loyalty except to Putin.
Fumbling around drunk out of the UFC Discussion forums enters a random lost soul. Comes in here a random shit post that misses the mark. WOW.
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Can someone tell me why the police reactions to pro Palestine protests are stronger than the BLM protests where people were looting shops, destroying property, setting cars on fire, etc., etc? Is it because the BLM protests didn't bother the people who run the country who happen to be pro Israel?

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