Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

Look how violent and anti semitic they are

See goes up to the police to try and stop them from doing their job.

Because she is 65 and Jewish doesn't make her any less of a dumbass.
- She is a 65 women. THwey could just detain her.
- She is a 65 women. THwey could just detain her.

They did but they needed to get her out of the way fast. She was trying to stop them from doing their job as they were engaged with a person.
They did but they needed to get her out of the way fast. She was trying to stop them from doing their job as they were engaged with a person.
- I wondt say i disagree whit you. If she cant handle the heat, dont come too close to the fire!
The amount that have been arrested across the US is already more that arrived at the capital on Jan 6. If you factor in all the property damage from all of these colleges nationwide it has already dwarfed the property damage at the capital.

Which turns out WAS 2020 was pretty weak on violence when you factor in the amount of people there that wandered around the capitol and looked lost. Then left without doing anything.

I was referencing the George Floyd riots, not January 6. January 6 wasn't a multi-location, multi-day protest. The BLM junk was. Comparing the violence and property damage of the 2020 riots and the Palestinian protests (so far) is night and day, yet the police and political response is completely inverted. Although I admit I haven't followed it super closely, but I feel like I would have seen building being burned down and people being shot and killed, so maybe there are a category of violent videos not surfacing.
Went to a brewery yesterday after work and the girl in front of me was holding up the line telling the bartenders how shes been at usc all week protesting. I wanted to tell her nobody cares and to move her fatass out of the way so I could get my beer but another bartender opened up lol.
Attended my daughter's college grad last week and was happy to see plenty of campus security and local and state LE. Lots of plain clothes (obvious to me) to.

One dude jumped up and waved some flag I couldn't ID because I was sitting pretty far back: the college had a "controversial" speaker, so wasn't sure if was typical Mid East, Boys can Menstrate, or a combination of both.

Dude was promptly escorted out, passive compliant style, security didn't even have a hand on him...which sucked for me because I hate college commencement shit and that would've been more interesting.

Offered my 15 year old son 500 cash to not walk and force me to sit through that shit if he goes to college and graduates.
can somebody fix the thread title? why do so many people spell israel wrong. oh yah, american education sucks.
Well, not many have had to spell it up until recently, and it does sound like the "e" should come before the "a" in our dialect. Most pronounce it "Is-Re-Al".

It's like arguing over how to spell "Michael". That "ae" shit just seems off.

Why do you think this is the case?

Remember that the ani white protests resulted in looting, destruction of property, fires, beatings, etc., whereas the anti zionist/pro palestine/anti genocide protests are way less violent or destructive than the BLM ones. How come then that the police response is way higher now? There has to be a reason.
Went to a brewery yesterday after work and the girl in front of me was holding up the line telling the bartenders how shes been at usc all week protesting. I wanted to tell her nobody cares and to move her fatass out of the way so I could get my beer but another bartender opened up lol.
She sounds like a real gem.
It is interesting to see this happen. Dozens out of a thousand or more? These dozens literally just piss off everyone else and hurt their “cause”. Funny that some posters here early in the thread were saying that an entire generation will now be anti-Israel, etc.

Bottom line is most don’t give a shit one way or the other and just get annoyed by these idiots lol

UPENN student and professor talk about how the university is falsely trying to claim there is violence and suppress Israeli protest due to donor pressure.

They also talk about how the university suppressed speech about Palestine in the past as well.

UPENN student and professor talk about how the university is falsely trying to claim there is violence and suppress Israeli protest due to donor pressure.
How very unique...

Let me guess, all the cops are fascists too, right? Them pro-pali protesters are as pure as the driven snow! Leftist "revolutionaries" would never lie about their own behavior. No Sir! They're all just masked up, because they're so concerned about the COVID pandemic, and not because they're afraid of being identified by law enforcement for breaking laws...

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