MLB Season Thread: Diablos Rojos Super Team

GOAT moment was Steve McMichael calling him out like 20 years ago. Yet he's the one who's dying from ALS and Hercandez is still in great health. :/
I don't understand the outrage over the Mets pitcher throwing his glove. It's not like he shot bleach out of a Super Soaker at reporters or blew up fans (including a little girl) with fireworks.
Granted, not as big a baseball fan as I used to be, but whatever happened to the beanball?
Some player named Siri, I thought she was a phone app, clowned up after homering.
Next at bat should’ve been a FaceTime pitch to the cranium.
I don't understand the outrage over the Mets pitcher throwing his glove. It's not like he shot bleach out of a Super Soaker at reporters or blew up fans (including a little girl) with fireworks.
I don’t get it either. Must be something I’m missing, people get tossed for arguing every day. No one gets shit canned for it.
Mets are a dumpster franchise. Even the cangels wouldn’t do something like that.
I don't understand the outrage over the Mets pitcher throwing his glove. It's not like he shot bleach out of a Super Soaker at reporters or blew up fans (including a little girl) with fireworks.
Free souvenier. How you spell that?