Pro wrestling hot takes

I havent been the biggest Undertaker fan although I did like biker Taker when he would full on roast the audience and his opponents. But he was always more agile, good character work, he also had the locker room respect aka the stories of wrestlers court or he would start taping up his fists when things in the locker room got crazy lol.

He had that killer match with Jeff Hardy, straightened out an immature Orton when he was skipping their Wrestlemania walk-throughs, and other valuable moments behind the scenes. I'm not sure why I don't like Taker now that I look back through his history lol, he had stinkers like everyone else but did some good also. I do agree with above that him losing the streak was a huge mistake.

Early-Mid 90's AJPW and AJW were the peak of wrestling in-ring imo. I tried to watch AEW recently to get back into it but it's shit compared to those two.
Most people will agree with you. This is why my opinion is a hot take. The only time i can enjoy AJPW matches from the 90's is when the only people in the ring are UWFi or NJPW alumni like Hiroshi Hase, Gary Albright, Masahito Kakihara, Yoshihiro Takayama, etc.
Most people will agree with you. This is why my opinion is a hot take. The only time i can enjoy AJPW matches from the 90's is when the only people in the ring are UWFi or NJPW alumni like Hiroshi Hase, Gary Albright, Masahito Kakihara, Yoshihiro Takayama, etc.

I do tend to agree that 90's NJPW Heavies were a bit underrated, but I think it was mainly due to the competition, but Mutoh, Hashimoto, Choshu and Chono could all go at that point for sure.
I do tend to agree that 90's NJPW Heavies were a bit underrated, but I think it was mainly due to the competition, but Mutoh, Hashimoto, Choshu and Chono could all go at that point for sure.
90's NJPW is just an alternative choice for me as well. I'm mostly interested in UWFi, RINGS, BattlArts, UFO, Pro Wrestling Fujiwara Gumi and so on. NJPW really got interesting for me from the late 90's onwards when Inoki went nuts with proper shooters so the roster was filled with guys like Naoya Ogawa, Don Frye, Kazuyuki Fujita, Brian Johnston and so on. So my beef with AJPW is simply that i find the wrestling style of guys like Kobashi, Akiyama or Misawa to be absolute garbage and AJPW was also filled to the brim with tag team wrestling which i don't like. There are plenty of proper wrestlers i liked watching as well in AJPW (Tamon Honda, Masanobu Fuchi, etc.) but all things considered i even get more total enjoyment from Michinoku Pro than AJPW.
90's NJPW is just an alternative choice for me as well. I'm mostly interested in UWFi, RINGS, BattlArts, UFO, Pro Wrestling Fujiwara Gumi and so on. NJPW really got interesting for me from the late 90's onwards when Inoki went nuts with proper shooters so the roster was filled with guys like Naoya Ogawa, Don Frye, Kazuyuki Fujita, Brian Johnston and so on. So my beef with AJPW is simply that i find the wrestling style of guys like Kobashi, Akiyama or Misawa to be absolute garbage and AJPW was also filled to the brim with tag team wrestling which i don't like. There are plenty of proper wrestlers i liked watching as well in AJPW (Tamon Honda, Masanobu Fuchi, etc.) but all things considered i even get more total enjoyment from Michinoku Pro than AJPW.

I used to like the Takada matches in UWFi, especially with Vader.

I think for me my 90's ranking of Japanese promotions would be.

1. All Japan Women
2. All Japan
3. UWFi
4. JWP
5. New Japan
6. Michinoku Pro
7. Osaka Pro
8. FMW