Siege has 2 "ranks". There's the hidden "skill", and visible MMR. The ranked system was updated recently.

Every season, the visible MMR resets. Everybody starts at copper 5, and works their way up.
The hidden "skill" is basically skill based match making, and doesn't reset. It places you against other players that the game assumes is your same skill level, regardless of the visible MMR.

Which RS6 rank from copper to champion does play start to get sweaty?

In Apex competitive for example, we've rookie - bronze - silver - gold - platinum - diamond - master - predator (top 750 players in the world); within each rank, we then have 4 tiers. It used to be with the older algorithm that diamond was the skill wall separating average and above-average play. Last season (S20), they reworked things after player outcry for two seasons over a hidden MMR governing lobby select and not your actual rank + rubbish MM as a result also in pubs (non-comp play). The skill wall now sits frustratingly low – with gold III lobbies being extra sweaty for even seasoned players. Some joke now platinum is the new master.
Which RS6 rank from copper to champion does play start to get sweaty?

In Apex competitive for example, we've rookie - bronze - silver - gold - platinum - diamond - master - predator (top 750 players in the world); within each rank, we then have 4 tiers. It used to be with the older algorithm that diamond was the skill wall separating average and above-average play. Last season (S20), they reworked things after player outcry for two seasons over a hidden MMR governing lobby select and not your actual rank + rubbish MM as a result also in pubs (non-comp play). The skill wall now sits frustratingly low – with gold III lobbies being extra sweaty for even seasoned players. Some joke now platinum is the new master.

With the environment destruction, getting spawn peeked and dying 5 seconds into the round, being able to combo gadgets, etc, Siege is sweaty from copper to emerald.
Even casual is a sweaty.

if people haven’t played the game, I don’t think they how understand how deep and complex you can get with the game.
With the environment destruction, getting spawn peeked and dying 5 seconds into the round, being able to combo gadgets, etc, Siege is sweaty from copper to emerald.
Even casual is a sweaty.

if people haven’t played the game, I don’t think they how understand how deep and complex you can get with the game.
Have you played Apex? Pubs is sweaty too; you'll get stomped even cold-dropping (translation: knocked in seconds on drop in little-contested POI) and have like variables to strategise for with every char having three abilities and passives plus high TTK (skill > sight), movement tech, door threshold destruct/reconstruct/block, maps, ring/rotations, and such.

There's, regardless of all this, a shifting line in sand in ranked where the good and great are separated; that's what I was curious over in RS6 – where the line is.

For example, in your ecosystem, are platinum players often looked at in the same pool as gold by those in emerald, or are gold viewed rather in the skill pool with silvers where platinum is the invisible wall good players can't climb.

Let me see your rank distro for current split; would be cool. I'll screengrab and share ours right now to show what I mean. We split in 26 days and finally get our first new map in a long F time. Really excited.

Skärmavbild 2024-05-29 kl. 15.43.38.png
Have you played Apex? Pubs is sweaty too; you'll get stomped even cold-dropping (translation: knocked in seconds on drop in little-contested POI) and have like variables to strategise for with every char having three abilities and passives plus high TTK (skill > sight), movement tech, door threshold destruct/reconstruct/block, maps, ring/rotations, and such.

There's, regardless of all this, a shifting line in sand in ranked where the good and great are separated; that's what I was curious over in RS6 – where the line is.

For example, in your ecosystem, are platinum players often looked at in the same pool as gold by those in emerald, or are gold viewed rather in the skill pool with silvers where platinum is the invisible wall good players can't climb.

Let me see your rank distro for current split; would be cool. I'll screengrab and share ours right now to show what I mean. We split in 26 days and finally get our first new map in a long F time. Really excited.

View attachment 1045532

Battle royals aren't my thing, so I haven't played it. I've watched enough, I'm pretty sure I get the basics of it, though.

With the hidden "skill" ranking, there's not really a definitive line anymore. Your team could be 2 Golds, and 3 Plats. The MMR you see really doesn't mean shit.
Siege has a very low TTK, it's a one shot headshot game. And that could be through 3 walls.