International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

It's a double-dose of Beau today!

The E.U. is "Trump-proofing" their aid to Ukraine. They're preparing to forge ahead without the support of a potential Trump administration.
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John Mearsheimer is pretty damn pessimistic about Ukraine's chances now. Says it's basically a done deal now and Russia will win (in a very ugly way.)

John Mearsheimer is pretty damn pessimistic about Ukraine's chances now. Says it's basically a done deal now and Russia will win (in a very ugly way.)

Well, if West will be so reluctant to allow to use their weapons in Russia, ofc Ukr chances will not be good. North Korea, Belarus and Iran doesn't apply such stuff for their weapons usage by Russia in Ukraine.
Also ofc they will rack up support for Russia.

Dictators also might made decisions to ship weapons, ammo faster than western countries.
Kim in North Korea is everything ...what he will tell, others will do without discussions....
YT videos usually does have damn a lot of trolls comments....

So if about jamming and spoofing effects on Ukr artillery: they aren't high for a simple reason: majority of shells they does have doesn't use GPS etc guidance for simple reason: shells like Excalibur are VERY expensive....

Also they might use radioelectronic warfare as much as they want, it doesn't have effect on unguided missiles : stuff like Grad or ol soviet Uragan is using....
The same about oldest ATACMS version, this with 160 km range : this does have only inertial guidance and doesn't use GPS at all.
John Mearsheimer is pretty damn pessimistic about Ukraine's chances now. Says it's basically a done deal now and Russia will win (in a very ugly way.)

We have been hearing this for a couple years now nothing new. But recently The US and many allies have stepped up aid and signed security agreements. The Czech artillery is almost in play as well as the F-16's almost there. And now UKR has been given permission to strike inside Russia at military targets is huge too. Even the drone strikes at the oil depots are big as they are hurting the Russian war machine.

Russia is paying a massive cost for every km of land they steal and is only hurting them more for what they are gaining but Russia doesnt care.
John can go suck a dick as it's not a done deal with all the shit that is happening inside Russia right now.
Lol, that's basically what my last post summarized. Not sure if Hog train wants an immediate UKR surrender to save lives and achieve peace.

I think that @Hog-train is just posting information that's relevant to the thread. They've been pretty pro-Ukraine since the war/threads started.
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lol no one should listen to a word this hack Mearsheimer says.
We have been hearing this for a couple years now nothing new. But recently The US and many allies have stepped up aid and signed security agreements. The Czech artillery is almost in play as well as the F-16's almost there. And now UKR has been given permission to strike inside Russia at military targets is huge too. Even the drone strikes at the oil depots are big as they are hurting the Russian war machine.

Russia is paying a massive cost for every km of land they steal and is only hurting them more for what they are gaining but Russia doesnt care.
John can go suck a dick as it's not a done deal with all the shit that is happening inside Russia right now.

The West still hasn't lifted their completely ridiculous requirement to allow Ukraine to attack Russia directly with their weapons.

Plus the average age of Ukraine's soldiers all being middle aged men tells me there is a manpower problem. Plus Russia has a massive artillery advantage and more jet fighters. Even when Ukraine finally gets all the F-16's, all that will do is even the scales and won't give air superiority.

IDK seems like a lot of the stuff he says has validity.

Lol, that's basically what my last post summarized. Not sure if Hog train wants an immediate UKR surrender to save lives and achieve peace.

I want Ukraine to kick the shit out of Russia and expel them from all the territories including Crimea. I want the West to supply them even more than they're doing now.

Just having doubts all this will happen and being realistic. I think Biden is going to try to maintain the status quo and have Ukraine NOT lose until the election. Then he'll pressure for a deal IMO.
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lol no one should listen to a word this hack Mearsheimer says.
Not saying he's full of shit,
But there seems to be a pattern with guys like him, guys who were adamant that Russia would never invade Ukraine, that think a Russian victory will redeem their credibility somehow

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