SUMO - 2024 Natsu Basho (May 12th - May 26th)

Hakuoho still looking great while injured and Ura dominating plebs are really making this basho great so far. Onosato odds on to get the yusho, he's just too good.

I need Onosato, Hakuoho and Takerufuji to go all the way. I'd like Hoshoryu to really bring it all together, today he looked like a sharp Ozeki but I need that for 15 days each time
I need Onosato, Hakuoho and Takerufuji to go all the way. I'd like Hoshoryu to really bring it all together, today he looked like a sharp Ozeki but I need that for 15 days each time

I daren't dream. Everyone who shows promise gets injured every second Tuesday.
I think i know what happened to Kirishima. It was this moment (timestamped), in january. He met Terunofuji on day 15, and he needed a win for keeping his yokozuna hopes alive.
And Terunofuji just threw him out, in the air, effortlessly. You might get away with beating the Yokozuna once in a while. But this is what you have to BE all the time as yokozuna - this type of skill, dominance, strength and excellence. He's probably crushed by the realization. And it looks like he''ll Mitakeumi his ozeki promotion. Sad, cause he's really really good.

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Two days in a row for Hoshoryu with the kind of Sumo I like to see from him.
He was reserved instead of just rushing in at Tobizaru. Keep it up Nephew.

Ura doing very well against someone he usually struggles with.
Onosato also looking very strong today
I think i know what happened to Kirishima. It was this moment (timestamped), in january. He met Terunofuji on day 15, and he needed a win for keeping his yokozuna hopes alive.
And Terunofuji just threw him out, in the air, effortlessly. You might get away with beating the Yokozuna once in a while. But this is what you have to BE all the time as yokozuna - this type of skill, dominance, strength and excellence. He's probably crushed by the realization. And it looks like he''ll Mitakeumi his ozeki promotion. Sad, cause he's really really good.

Yeah he was casually tossed aside.
Chris Sumo noted he has some neck problems too. Probably from looking up too high at that white rope he was so close to.
Don't know why, but the ease at which Kotozakura threw Onosho aside gave me a chuckle. Nice throw from Takayasu after evading Hoshoryu's throw too.