Law Substitute teacher KO's student for using racial slur

Its comical actually and sad at the same time. If you call me something I'm not why would I be offended...I would only get offended if I were actually that thing...

It's not that they're calling YOU the N word. It's the fact that they're saying it at all.

It conveys a meaning that not only the speaker is racist, but it's down to use the racism to attack. It's a declaration of war.

In a way, it's like a spit. It doesn't hurt (slim chances of disease aside of course) but once it's throw, all gloves are off.
If you're not a Coward you shouldn't be offended...The only time you would get offended if you were actually what they were calling you.
you sound like an elementary school guidance counselor trying to resolve a four square incident that happened during recess.
you sound like an elementary school guidance counselor trying to resolve a four square incident that happened during recess.
With actual logic and not just telling people to be so dumb that they react purely on be it. This is a grown ass man were talking about not a 12 year old playing dodgeball.
Violence is such awesome tool at times

As result two stupid people get their prizes, one instant got it one will get it after
what goalpost was moved? this was about using the N word and how it generates an immediate violent reaction, and how there's nothing similar for other races.
you came with the "coward" example, which can be used against any race.
and now you're saying i'm moving goalsposts when it's YOU that are doing that making it about "insults" and not what i meant originally, the racial-specific insults.

Almost impressive how America has one racial slur to control an entire race of people. Just call them the slur and black people become aggressive immediately. i don't think there's a similar racial slur anywhere that has that effect.

why didn’t you just say what you meant then.
Almost impressive how America has one word to control a part of the population. Just say the word and the person becomes aggressive immediately. i don't think there's a similar word anywhere that has that effect.

There are derogatory words that japanese, korean and chinese use that are very offensive. Probably not going to end in violence because they're more restrained cultures but those words carry a lot of weight.

And try to make jokes with 9/11 among americans and chances are you're going to throw down.
There are derogatory words that japanese, korean and chinese use that are very offensive. Probably not going to end in violence because they're more restrained cultures but those words carry a lot of weight.

And try to make jokes with 9/11 among americans and chances are you're going to throw down.
yeah and hungarians have words for romanians and romanians have words for bulgarians and bulgarians have words for the turks. it's not race.
and "americans" isn't a race.

it's like the 4th time i had to explain this. i'm talking about race specific.
yeah and hungarians have words for romanians and romanians have words for bulgarians and bulgarians have words for the turks. it's not race.
and "americans" isn't a race.

it's like the 4th time i had to explain this. i'm talking about race specific.
It's just a similar power dynamics. In America (continent) race was the main tool of domination so the most aggressive slurs are racial. In other parts of the world country of origin, religion or whatever carry more weight. But they all work more or less the same.
another one that works on everybody and is not race specific.
It's a word that's linked to slavery so there really isn't a comparatively degrading word I can think of for white people. I had a girlfriend of Indian decent that would get very offended at the word coolie. And I do think the N word will likely provoke ire but it doesn't really lead to instant violence.
Try calling a brazilian black man "macaco" or "crioulo" in the middle of an argument and see what happens.

It's not US-specific.
The fact that nobody in that thread seems to sympathize or empathize with the kid but the teacher speaks volumes.

That entire city is tired of the kids from that school district.

Free the teacher, he didn’t do anything wrong

The only reason there is any support for the kid is because the OP characterized the confrontation as being over the use of the N word. If that teacher knocked a black kid out, they wouldn't give a fuck.
It's a word that's linked to slavery so there really isn't a comparatively degrading word I can think of for white people. I had a girlfriend of Indian decent that would get very offended at the word coolie. And I do think the N word will likely provoke ire but it doesn't really lead to instant violence.
If she wasn't an actual "Coolie".....then she shouldn't get offended.
If she wasn't an actual "Coolie".....then she shouldn't get offended.

if you're not an actual bundle of sticks then you shouldn't get offended when i call you a

actually wait nvm. cant use that word here, or at least i probably shouldn't.

come to think about it, thats another word that can easily lead to fisticuffs, alongside the n bomb and your mother.
if you're not an actual bundle of sticks then you shouldn't get offended when i call you a

actually wait nvm. cant use that word here, or at least i probably shouldn't.

come to think about it, thats another word that can easily lead to fisticuffs, alongside the n bomb and your mother.
I get what you're saying but if you're not actually something then you shouldnt act like what their calling you because it only validates that person and gives the word power. My Cousin was Gay and used the word :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: all the time.... Laughing. I was always confused by that but he said it was in refence to the limp wristed flamboyant parade type homosexuals.

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