Elections Ann Coulter: Vivek I would never vote for you because you're Indian


Silver Belt
Nov 26, 2003
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I always thought Ann Coulter was just pandering to her white base with some of the off the wall shit she says and playing a character. Kind of like Colby Covington.

But nah - I think this is what she genuinely believes. She's just straight up racist šŸ˜‚

Vivek is born in Ohio, yet she can't vote for him because of his skin color? Also shits on Catholics and basically says WASPY Protestants are the master race and should be the only Presidents.

Timestamped where she says the Indian stuff.

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typical but not surprised.....
But im the troublesome race baiter right LOL yeah ok.
they say dont be WOKE but behind closed doors politicians policemen firefighters
doctors judges have a mentality like ann coulter.
which eventually leads to people of color dying or being negatively effected.....

anyway credit to ann for having the balls to say the quiet part out loud.
which to be honest NOBODY is surprised.
cant wait to see how they try to spin this one....
oh and Vivek
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Quoting an old post-of-the-year candidate. Let it be a Cliffs for the politics nubs (if we have any around here).
Here's my take on Rubin, IDW, and Alt-Right.

I don't think it does any justice throwing everyone into one bucket.
You have a multi branched network, with a spectrum of beliefs, and mix of motivations.

Here's how I would categorize a bunch of people who get lumped into this IDW, Alt-Right adjacent
(Hey, if you have any suggestions, changes additions, revisions, etc to the list, let me know, I'll tweek it. We can make it a sort of group sourced War Room Wiki)

Left leaning individuals, who have genuine, reasoned criticism of the Left.
  • Harris
  • Weinstein Bros
  • Jonathan Haidt
  • Steven Pinker
  • Maajid Nawaz
  • Christina Hoff Sommers
Semi-neutral individuals who are open minded, and consequently tractable. They don't hold strong views but will constantly shift their views based on their interactions.
They can get in a feedback loop, whereas they associate with Right leaning individuals and they become more right leaning themselves, which inclines them to associate with more right leaning individuals.
  • Rogan
  • Rubin
Right-center leaning individuals, who have some genuine criticism of the Left, but are also driven by Conservative views.
  • Peterson
  • Gad Saad
  • Douglas Murray
  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali
  • Sowell
  • Scott Adams
Right leaning individuals, who have some genuine criticism of the Left, but are mostly driven by Strong Conservative views.
  • Shapiro
  • Pranger
Far Right individuals, who might occasionally have some genuine criticism of the Left, but are primarily driven by strong Conservative views and some troubling Alt-Right creepiness.
  • Molyneux
  • Paul Joseph Watson
  • Gavin McInnes
  • Tommy Robinson
  • Milo
  • Ann Coulter
Far Right individuals who are mostly disingenuous and are driven primarily by a dislike of the Left.
  • Alex Jones
  • Mike Cernovich
  • Dinesh D'Souza
Far Right individuals that don't really bring much to table, and are mostly just riding the Red-Pill bandwagon.
  • Charlie Kirk
  • Candace Owens
  • Lauren Southern
Far Right individuals who really are the true Far Alt-Right
  • Richard Spencer
  • I don't really get to this end of the spectrum much, so I don't have many examples.