Be grateful that Sean is abrasive

You think so?

You think a man can become a woman?
Your Evel Knievel-like jump from my statement to that question (and your absolute logical hypocrisy loopholes in your "impossible to please" thread) kinda just prove my point
Your Evel Knievel-like jump from my statement to that question (and your absolute logical hypocrisy loopholes in your "impossible to please" thread) kinda just prove my point
I asked a very basic yes or no question, if you’re not willing or able to give a clear and decisive answer without switching topics and trying to deflect, you’re a disingenuous type of weasel that Sean correctly identified as the enemy to human kind.
I actually think this does really good ppv buys

He’s been a top 5 trending topic on twitter all week (only mma fighters I’ve ever seen that happen with are Conor, jones, khabib)

He’s been reposted by tons of non-mma related accounts with millions of followers (most right/far right accounts lol but let’s be real those are the ones that will actually pay for the ppv to support)

It was by far the longest line I’ve ever seen for a presser. Security had to come out and say the only ppl guaranteed a spot are the ones with the ufc vip packages that haves reserved seating. It was also minus 20 degrees and there was still 500+ people in line

Nosebleeds were $700 (to put in perspective Vancouver floors were $700) and the event is maybe 150ish tickets away from being sold out
I actually think this does really good ppv buys

He’s been a top 5 trending topic on twitter all week (only mma fighters I’ve ever seen that happen with are Conor, jones, khabib)

He’s been reposted by tons of non-mma related accounts with millions of followers (most right/far right accounts lol but let’s be real those are the ones that will actually pay for the ppv to support)

It was by far the longest line I’ve ever seen for a presser. Security had to come out and say the only ppl guaranteed a spot are the ones with the ufc vip packages that haves reserved seating. It was also minus 20 degrees and there was still 500+ people in line

Nosebleeds were $700 (to put in perspective Vancouver floors were $700) and the event is maybe 150ish tickets away from being sold out
That's an insane price for what's just a notch above a fight night card on paper.
Imagine how lifeless his events would be if he was some run of the mill "I respect my opponent and this belt means everything to me" type of guy? All the people bitching about what Sean says would be bitching about how boring this all is. You know what Sean does well? He gives everyone someone to root for. When you have someone to root for, a fight's excitement factor goes up ten fold, and this helps a lot when you consider that Sean's fight style can be slow-paced.
Him being very outright in his beliefs, doesn't matter to me. Its how he fights in the cage that does. And for all the shit talking Sean does acting like he is all about that life, he sure don't fight like it in the cage. He just sparring in there. It just doesn't look like he ever throws anything with any real bad intentions.
People loved Bisping's abrasive nature. Some hated him.

Sometimes I found him very annoying, yet at the same time he had some hilarious gems like the "conceive believe achieve" roast on Rockhold.
Yeah, just like how unpopular and hated that GSP guy was.

With GSP I feel like he became popular when he was still a relatively entertaining fighter and he had some great rivalries to build him up. Normally his bland personality combined with the boring fight style he displayed in the second half of his title run wouldn't result in fan interest.
I asked a very basic yes or no question,
No, you defaulted to a strawman because you hinge your argument on platitudes instead of facts. You try to swerve into your hardest gotcha because you can't defend yourself.

if you’re not willing or able to give a clear and decisive answer without switching topics and trying to deflect, you’re a disingenuous type of weasel that Sean correctly identified as the enemy to human kind.
Judging by the twice you went dead silent on me when I called out your logical hypocrisies in your cry-fest of a thread, it's you who is not willing or able to listen to a clear or decisive answer, so why am I gonna bother trying? Why am I supposed to argue in good faith with someone who demonstrated 3 times over that they won't? And then you get to call me disingenuous? Get the fuck outta here. You being a moron is the enemy to all of society because you can't think.

But I'll still entertain your game, just to show you how wrong you continue to be. If you want your answer, here it is:
MPD has been reclassified as Disassociative Identity Disorder, (a name I, frankly, disagree with).
I posted that in another thread this week on a completely different topic, just talking about psychology. The reason I disagree with the name is because it's extremely broad, and quite frankly, the idea that someone's identity doesn't match what they were given is a disassociation. So clinically speaking, I would have to think that identifying that way is, by definition, Dissociative Identity Disorder. So the answer, technically, to your question is "no," just like yourself. Didn't expect that, did you? You thought you'd ask a question, then get to invalidate everything I say when I disagree with you because, again, you rely on platitudes and fallicies

But that's not the problem, is it? It's not just answering "yes" to your question that gets people called woke. No, what gets me called woke is that I think it's none of your fucking business. Literally the only people it should matter to is someone's doctor and partner. And since you aren't qualified to treat em, I'm only left to assume the reason you're worried is cuz of your thoughts about fuckin em.

Now I could also go into the failure of the binary classification, the rates and population of intersex, the treatments of surgery and mental health, and the difference between gender and gender identity, but I feel since I've already probably lost you, that's a road probably better left untouched. Because, like I had already said, that would depend on you not being incoherent and stupid

*edit* Better read this quick, since you jumped to this topic for your stupid "gotcha" and took this thread on a derail. Shit's gonna get deleted, but hopefully you can absorb it and grow a few IQ points before it does.

But since you don't want to be disingenuous, you should probably get back to answering me first in your other thread, where you called out people for not wanting to see Justin-Max and assuming the result when you called Justin-Islam a rematch and assumed the result, and where you also called Sean a welterweight and mentioned Izzy fighting once at LHW when Sean fought 4 LHW matches, a catchweight in between, and an overweight middleweight, completely embarassing the amount of times Izzy went above 185.

For some reason, it's totally cool for you to not respond to all of my posts there pointing out your bullshit, but god forbid I sleep on you here, right? So fuck off, or come back with some genuine shit, you fake.
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Nothing wrong with having differing opinions on things, the problem is that Strickland comes across terribly and dumb af. The sad part is that it resonates with a lot of equally dumb people out there lol
No, you defaulted to a strawman because you hinge your argument on platitudes instead of facts. You try to swerve into your hardest gotcha because you can't defend yourself.

Judging by the twice you went dead silent on me when I called out your logical hypocrisies in your cry-fest of a thread, it's you who is not willing or able to listen to a clear or decisive answer, so why am I gonna bother trying? Why am I supposed to argue in good faith with someone who demonstrated 3 times over that they won't? And then you get to call me disingenuous? Get the fuck outta here. You being a moron is the enemy to all of society because you can't think.

But I'll still entertain your game, just to show you how wrong you continue to be. If you want your answer, here it is:

I posted that in another thread this week on a completely different topic, just talking about psychology. The reason I disagree with the name is because it's extremely broad, and quite frankly, the idea that someone's identity doesn't match what they were given is a disassociation. So clinically speaking, I would have to think that identifying that way is, by definition, Dissociative Identity Disorder. So the answer, technically, to your question is "no," just like yourself. Didn't expect that, did you? You thought you'd ask a question, then get to invalidate everything I say when I disagree with you because, again, you rely on platitudes and fallicies

But that's not the problem, is it? It's not just answering "yes" to your question that gets people called woke. No, what gets me called woke is that I think it's none of your fucking business. Literally the only people it should matter to is someone's doctor and partner. And since you aren't qualified to treat em, I'm only left to assume the reason you're worried is cuz of your thoughts about fuckin em.

Now I could also go into the failure of the binary classification, the rates and population of intersex, the treatments of surgery and mental health, and the difference between gender and gender identity, but I feel since I've already probably lost you, that's a road probably better left untouched. Because, like I had already said, that would depend on you not being incoherent and stupid

*edit* Better read this quick, since you jumped to this topic for your stupid "gotcha" and took this thread on a derail. Shit's gonna get deleted, but hopefully you can absorb it and grow a few IQ points before it does.

But since you don't want to be disingenuous, you should probably get back to answering me first in your other thread, where you called out people for not wanting to see Justin-Max and assuming the result when you called Justin-Islam a rematch and assumed the result, and where you also called Sean a welterweight and mentioned Izzy fighting once at LHW when Sean fought 4 LHW matches, a catchweight in between, and an overweight middleweight, completely embarassing the amount of times Izzy went above 185.

For some reason, it's totally cool for you to not respond to all of my posts there pointing out your bullshit, but god forbid I sleep on you here, right? So fuck off, or come back with some genuine shit, you fake.
This post is beside the definition of "triggered" in Websters.
I need my champions to carry a ring of plastic keys on them so they can keep jingling it to keep my attention.

What are they champions of again? I no longer remember.

I am here for the talky talky microphone stuff. I'm so tired of the grabby stuff they do in between the talky stuff.

4 itchy tasty.
The preferred home entertainment system for the "attitude" era UFC fan during press-conferences:

No, you defaulted to a strawman because you hinge your argument on platitudes instead of facts. You try to swerve into your hardest gotcha because you can't defend yourself.

Judging by the twice you went dead silent on me when I called out your logical hypocrisies in your cry-fest of a thread, it's you who is not willing or able to listen to a clear or decisive answer, so why am I gonna bother trying? Why am I supposed to argue in good faith with someone who demonstrated 3 times over that they won't? And then you get to call me disingenuous? Get the fuck outta here. You being a moron is the enemy to all of society because you can't think.

But I'll still entertain your game, just to show you how wrong you continue to be. If you want your answer, here it is:

I posted that in another thread this week on a completely different topic, just talking about psychology. The reason I disagree with the name is because it's extremely broad, and quite frankly, the idea that someone's identity doesn't match what they were given is a disassociation. So clinically speaking, I would have to think that identifying that way is, by definition, Dissociative Identity Disorder. So the answer, technically, to your question is "no," just like yourself. Didn't expect that, did you? You thought you'd ask a question, then get to invalidate everything I say when I disagree with you because, again, you rely on platitudes and fallicies

But that's not the problem, is it? It's not just answering "yes" to your question that gets people called woke. No, what gets me called woke is that I think it's none of your fucking business. Literally the only people it should matter to is someone's doctor and partner. And since you aren't qualified to treat em, I'm only left to assume the reason you're worried is cuz of your thoughts about fuckin em.

Now I could also go into the failure of the binary classification, the rates and population of intersex, the treatments of surgery and mental health, and the difference between gender and gender identity, but I feel since I've already probably lost you, that's a road probably better left untouched. Because, like I had already said, that would depend on you not being incoherent and stupid

*edit* Better read this quick, since you jumped to this topic for your stupid "gotcha" and took this thread on a derail. Shit's gonna get deleted, but hopefully you can absorb it and grow a few IQ points before it does.

But since you don't want to be disingenuous, you should probably get back to answering me first in your other thread, where you called out people for not wanting to see Justin-Max and assuming the result when you called Justin-Islam a rematch and assumed the result, and where you also called Sean a welterweight and mentioned Izzy fighting once at LHW when Sean fought 4 LHW matches, a catchweight in between, and an overweight middleweight, completely embarassing the amount of times Izzy went above 185.

For some reason, it's totally cool for you to not respond to all of my posts there pointing out your bullshit, but god forbid I sleep on you here, right? So fuck off, or come back with some genuine shit, you fake.
What strawman? You quoted me first and claimed that there is a direct correlation between calling out woke garbage and sounding incoherent and stupid.

My exact reply to you was this:

"You think so?

You believe that when a dude puts on a wig and a dress he becomes a woman?"

So no insults, nothing disingenuous, just simply asking you to explain yourself and state your case.

But for some reason this response triggered you to lash out and make reference to me supposedly being hypocritical in some other thread on some other day, like wtf does any of that have to do with what I'm asking you?

Anyway, that word salad you just posted only confirms that you're the exact type of person I would expect to try to defend that nonsense. Anyone who can't answer such a straight forward question with a simple "no", without the need to elaborate or make some long spin on it, is simply a weak spineless man captured by a lunatic ideology.

As for whatever you claimed you asked me, I honestly have no clue what you're talking about, but feel free to ask again and I will give you my answer.
What strawman? You quoted me first and claimed that there is a direct correlation between calling out woke garbage and sounding incoherent and stupid.

My exact reply to you was this:

"You think so?

You believe that when a dude puts on a wig and a dress he becomes a woman?"

So no insults, nothing disingenuous, just simply asking you to explain yourself and state your case.

But for some reason this response triggered you to lash out and make reference to me supposedly being hypocritical in some other thread on some other day, like wtf does any of that have to do with what I'm asking you?

Anyway, that word salad you just posted only confirms that you're the exact type of person I would expect to try to defend that nonsense. Anyone who can't answer such a straight forward question with a simple "no", without the need to elaborate or make some long spin on it, is simply a weak spineless man captured by a lunatic ideology.

As for whatever you claimed you asked me, I honestly have no clue what you're talking about, but feel free to ask again and I will give you my answer.
Right, that's called a strawman. You are trying to specifically take the slipperiest slope possible and done so in an accusative way, and you're hiding behind your question mark. Google logical fallacies some time. Just make sure you spell it right or you might run into some images of those scary scary trans people you think are the "enemy" for some reason.

The 'trigger' is because you're full of shit and have been full of shit. As I've stated a few times, you're the one who has demonstrated fallacies that I asked you about, but you failed to answer. So when a conversation goes

Koro: *Something stupid and hypocritical*
Me: That's not right, you just said something stupid
Koro: *Ignores that and says something else stupid and hypocritical*
Me: You just said something stupid and hypocritical again
Koro: *Ignores that again*

Me: I'm not gonna answer you.
Koro: OOOH So now you're not gonna answer things! That must mean this about yooou.
Me: All right, fuck you and here's all my receipts
Some other dumbass: Lol triggered.

It's not a simple question and I detailed why. I just needed to further detail why it's not a good question to ask. This is why people think you're incoherent and stupid, because you think that's a good diagnostic question. It'd be like if we got into an argument and you got frustrated and decided to fight me instead and I kicked your ass. It's not me who thinks fighting was the solution there, that was you. So I'm not just gonna kick your ass, I'm gonna kick your ass and then explain to you why kicking your ass didn't make me right. That's your criteria, not mine.

And I already did point out the things I said to you. I've said them multiple times here again, but again, I guess you couldn't be bothered to read them, but I'm sure not gonna mark that down as the incoherent and stupid thing again.
You think so?

You believe that when a dude puts on a wig and a dress he becomes a woman?

No one seriously believes a dude who puts on a wig becomes a biological woman. SO...perhaps there's another sense you're interested in here....what is it...the...word.. perhaps it starts with g hmmmm

Why, I bet not even the "very definition of weakness" Sean lambasted earlier this week would make such a preposterous claim!

Perhaps you could formulate your question a little bit more clearly?
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Imagine how lifeless his events would be if he was some run of the mill "I respect my opponent and this belt means everything to me" type of guy? All the people bitching about what Sean says would be bitching about how boring this all is. You know what Sean does well? He gives everyone someone to root for. When you have someone to root for, a fight's excitement factor goes up ten fold, and this helps a lot when you consider that Sean's fight style can be slow-paced.

I $#!^ on your post.

Khabib vs. Justin was 1000 times more exciting than this farce, and both Nurmagomedov and Gaethje were completely respectful toward each other the whole time.

Flushing your turd thread down the toilet.
I $#!^ on your post.

Khabib vs. Justin was 1000 times more exciting than this farce, and both Nurmagomedov and Gaethje were completely respectful toward each other the whole time.

Flushing your turd thread down the toilet.
I honestly think the respectful and friendly fights are on average much better than the "angry" fights (aside from Mirko and Pat's hug fest).

When you "hate" someone (and that hate is usually fake), then you can't lose, so then you fight in order not to lose. When you fight someone you respect (or even better, trained with), then you're usually fighting to  prove something. And that's why those are better like 9 out of 10 times.
I honestly think the respectful and friendly fights are on average much better than the "angry" fights (aside from Mirko and Pat's hug fest).

When you "hate" someone (and that hate is usually fake), then you can't lose, so then you fight in order not to lose. When you fight someone you respect (or even better, trained with), then you're usually fighting to  prove something. And that's why those are better like 9 out of 10 times.

Yes, exactly.

You fight like an actually-experienced MAN, respecting your opponent's experience, and (with ZERO emotion), you come in like a Terminator to get the job done (and so does he).

Zero theatrics are needed; just dedicated skill and determination.

PS: It is also absolutely cool to see the combatants (win-or-lose), afterward, sharing the respect and admiration for each other.
THAT (and only that) is what elite fighting is all about.

PPS: I am a member of many Facebook Boxing Groups, and it is so cool to see Hagler, Hearns, Duran (et al), taking photos together as old-timers.
They did it all, they spilt blood together, and they (now) have a "bond for life" through trying to kill each other.

Nothing cooler than mutual respect and admiration between fighters, IMO