Rewatch Chris Leben vs. Wanderlei Silva

now post Anderson vs. Leben :)

Wand is definitely going to have dementia at an early age...
Love Wandy but I knew how that fight was going to end.
ah, the PRIDE FC acquisition and subsequent fall of many great stars, past their prime. Some fighters had great success, and other monsters, finally met their match. What an exciting era for MMA. Questions were answered, but years after the fact. Wand could have been, should have been much, much bigger, his name should have been up there equally with Anderson Silva. Rampage, ironically. I still think Wand beat Chuck, there is a reason why Chuck turned into a wrestler in the third round. Much respect to Wanderlei, he had his best battles in the land of the rising sun, in the best format of MMA rules ever to be assembled on the biggest stage ever. Sherdog, 2002-2004, I was there. Blessed be thy PRIDE FC.
Love Wandy but I knew how that fight was going to end.
i think you were one of the few then. wand on paper was going to destroy leben, especially after seeing what anderson did. this was an upset. sad. PRIDE FC died / Wand died when he got that eye surgery. the caveman, brazilian boss of curitiba brazil, wandering the streets full chuteboxe shirtless aura was instantly evaporated into a estrogen producing xyience experiement.
I rather not, thx
i think you were one of the few then. wand on paper was going to destroy leben, especially after seeing what anderson did. this was an upset. sad. PRIDE FC died / Wand died when he got that eye surgery. the caveman, brazilian boss of curitiba brazil, wandering the streets full chuteboxe shirtless aura was instantly evaporated into a estrogen producing xyience experiement.
I was a huge Chris Leben fan and I was worried that Wanderlei might literally kill him.
I was secretly afraid that Wands chin would crack and Lebens cement head would hold up . I was of course putting on a brave face in front of my tuf noob friends and was acting with 100% confidence that Wand would kill him .
I was a huge Chris Leben fan and I was worried that Wanderlei might literally kill him.
this was the sentiment thought by most people here. i was super glad that leben was going to get cracked again, and that the US fans would finally realize who the fuck Wanderlei fucking Silva is. Them US fans were going to learn a harsh lesson that event. The most realest, harshest lesson, that PRIDE was invincible, and how dare these mortals, with their dyed hair, black toenail polish behaviors even try inserting themselves into the ring against bonafide demi-gods. But unfortunately, it was me that done learned that day. Harsh, painful lessons learned.
Sad to see Wand get KOed by a relative bum in Leban. He basically just closed his eyes and started swinging wildly.
I throw up in my mouth everything I think about Leban beating Wandy
Silvas lack of defense and exceeding ego/machismo was a bit insufferable in his UFC days. Still you got to give him props. He was courageous and aggressive as they come, something you don't see in a lot of top fighters. He'd always come for violence and that's what a promoter should want. Even if it provided some lows with the highs
Leben was my favorite fighter during this time because of fights like this. His fight vs Akiyama is my personal favorite. His bare knuckle fights are excellent as well.
This fight and sonnen sub over shogun hit me so hard.
The hendo knockout in rematch with Shogun hurt me more because I felt Shogun is technically a much better striker and that he just fought dumb in the first fight. Then Im being proven right in the rematch and all of a sudden Hendo lands one of his weird strikes and its over.

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