Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

Zionism is a Christian interpretation of the fate of Jewish people in scripture. An interpretation many Jews wholeheartedly disagreed with when it was first proposed?
The father of Zionism is Theodor Herzel (probably misspelled) and he was... a jew. You can argue pogroms made the idea more appealing but the jews were being persecuted before Christianity was even a thing. We don't need to argue this though because as I stated we are generally on the same side of this issue.
The combatant-to-civilian casualty ratio as reported by an agency who says almost everyone in Gaza is Hamas? Lol See this Calender? Hamas!! This foosball game? Hamas!! This Hospital? Hamas!! The IDF have at best an unreliable means of determining who are civilians and who arent, and I'd bet my hat you'll be immediately dismissive of numbers reported from inside Palestine by anyone who isnt IDF, because they're Hamas! It's funny because earlier in this thread someone mentioned College Students here wearing "We Are Hamas" shirts and this is the origin of that rhetoric. Everyone who questions the IDF is Hamas!! Meanwhile let's keep carpet-bombing a place where 50% of the residents are children. Hamas children!!

You are deflecting to the Holocaust because of the fact that Zionism was cooked up by Christians? They are extensions of the same hatred man. The "Jewish problem" needed a solution. That solution was Zionism. Hitler proposed the "Final Solution"...the problem was the same.

The last paragraph is largely the work of propaganda. Anti-semitism can and should be used to describe aggressive actions towards any semitic people merely for attempting to exist, giving birth to a "promised land" myth where a group of people become politically empowered to move somewhere not considered "an actual Country" and conquer it. This isn't altogether different from the "settlement" of the US. A group of people come here under the banner of religious persecution, and process to eradicate the Natives, also conveniently touting "Secular Democracy" (while having a constitution that declared other human beings as 3/5 of a person). The main difference is the Europeans who came here have no ancestral claim to the land itself. And yet perfectly otherwise rational people perpetuate these promised land myths every day and are accusatory of elimination of entire cultures over them. The concept of "Greater Israel" is a land grab, a displacement or eradication of Palestinians, and Israeli Arabs are politically disenfranchised. There is no circumstance under which Israel is an example of functioning secular democracy and their leadership is pushing for more disenfranchisement of political opposition.

The European Jews don't have ancestral claim to the land? So from where did Judaism spring? Poland? Did Moses part the Baltic Sea to reach the promised land of Krakow? Did he ask Ragnar Lothbrok and the Vikings to let his people go?

So where does this leave the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews that make up the majority of Israel? They have the same amount of melanin as their Palestinian counterparts, and yet leftists like you don't seem to give a damn about them and instead lump them in the same category as the Ashkenazim.
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Your homies at the capital, don’t pretend. All your friends are locked up now

Let me get this straight....

Gun toting Trump loving Conservatives stormed the Capitol with guns, and the ONLY person that got shot was an unarmed woman by a Capitol officer?

Is this what you are trying to tell me?

Don't pretend now.
The European Jews don't have ancestral claim to the land? So from where did Judaism spring? Poland? Did Moses part the Baltic Sea to reach the promised land of Krakow? Did he ask Ragnar Lothbrok and the Vikings to let his people go?

So where does this leave the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews that make up the majority of Israel? They have the same amount of melanin as their Palestinian counterparts, and yet leftists like you don't seem to give a damn about them and instead lump them in the same category as the Ashkenazim.

I specifically said that European Americans dont have ancestral claim, insinuating that European Jews are strengthened by theirs.

Leftists like me dont think the State of Israel is free to pursue the idea of "Greater Israel" at the cost of Palestinian lives. I'd much prefer Israel have a better representation of secular democracy, perhaps with no disenfranchisement of ethnic/religious minorities (although I'm sure if that happened the immediate "Sharia Law is coming!!" arguments will pop up).
Let me get this straight....

Gun toting Trump loving Conservatives stormed the Capitol with guns, and the ONLY person that got shot was an unarmed woman by a Capitol officer?

Is this what you are trying to tell me?

Don't pretend now.

She had a knife on her.
Then why was it first offered to European Jews by people who didnt want them to continue to live on Europe?

I dont subscribe to any "promised land" myth. I dont care what someone claims their God says.
So israel shouldn’t exist? That’s your position?
I specifically said that European Americans dont have ancestral claim, insinuating that European Jews are strengthened by theirs.

You originally said Europeans. And now you've changed it to European Americans. What's the difference between a European Jew and a "European American Jew?" Both of them are Ashkenazi Jews. Both of them have roots that can be traced back to the Southern Levant.

Leftists like me dont think the State of Israel is free to pursue the idea of "Greater Israel" at the cost of Palestinian lives. I'd much prefer Israel have a better representation of secular democracy, perhaps with no disenfranchisement of ethnic/religious minorities (although I'm sure if that happened the immediate "Sharia Law is coming!!" arguments will pop up).

What cost? The population of Palestinians more than quadrupled since the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. The ones that left the country did it on their own accord or were told by the Arab authorities to flee the region. The Jews did not forcibly expel them from the land.

Muslims and Christians are free to practice their religion in Israel without the risk of facing persecution by their Jewish peers. You cannot say the same of the minority Christians and Jews in Muslim majority countries. Leftists refuse to recognize this double standard. Additionally, Arabs are not prohibited from voting, working in government, or participating in politics in Israel.
So israel shouldn’t exist? That’s your position?

Israel shouldnt exist as a theocratic ethno-State that disenfranchises ethnic and religious minorities. No State should exist in this manner, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever.
This whole "ancestral right" concept is total bullshit.

I can directly trace my family tree back to literal Norse Kings of Sweden, Denmark, England, and Normandy.

Guess what, that doesn't mean shit for me in 2024.

I'm lucky to be inheriting my dad's small home in the North SF Bay Area.
Israel shouldnt exist as a theocratic ethno-State that disenfranchises ethnic and religious minorities. No State should exist in this manner, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever.

Good thing it's a secular democracy without a state religion hosting Jewish refugees of varied ethnic groups from everywhere around the world then.
You originally said Europeans. And now you've changed it to European Americans. What's the difference between a European Jew and a "European American Jew?" Both of them are Ashkenazi Jews. Both of them have roots that can be traced back to the Southern Levant.

What cost? The population of Palestinians more than quadrupled since the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. The ones that left the country did it on their own accord or were told by the Arab authorities to flee the region. The Jews did not forcibly expel them from the land.

Muslims and Christians are free to practice their religion in Israel without the risk of facing persecution by their Jewish peers. You cannot say the same of the minority Christians and Jews in Muslim majority countries. Leftists refuse to recognize this double standard. Additionally, Arabs are not prohibited from voting, working in government, or participating in politics in Israel.

I said the Euorpeans who came HERE. Here is America I am American. The Europeans here had no ancestral claim to the land, their claim of religious rignt of settlement was based solely on interpretation of scripture. Zionism is strengthened by the ancestral claim of European Jews.

The cost happening right now for the pursuit of "Greater Israel."

They are free to practice their religions to a degree, not entirely free to live where they want or vote how they want. I'm not advocating for Islamic theocracy, either. I find that just as disgusting. There are distinctions for voting rights. Palestinian citizens of Israel can vote, but there are many "permanent residents" who are politically disenfranchised. There have been voting boycotts in recent years due to the growing sentiment of disenfranchisement.
Was she brandishing this knife at a officer when they shot her? I'm asking because I don't really know and could care less about that field trip .

No she wasnt brandishing, she was directly disobeying repeated calls to not forcibly enter the area with a gun aimed right at her. But to say she was unarmed is false.
Was she brandishing this knife at a officer when they shot her? I'm asking because I don't really know and could care less about that field trip .
What school did you go to where you went on field trips to break through windows of government buildings and fight pitched battles with riot police?
What is the argument against theocratic ethno-States? Is this a serious question?

I think if you added indiscriminate, ethnic cleansing, and genocide you would have got a bingo on the propaganda card.