Do you have any friends with the same interests?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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When I was young, my friends and I have common interests. Since I started working, becoming an adult, friends fade away, and you meet new ones, but they're more like associates. You only call them and they only call you when they need something.

When I was a kid, we'd talk about Transformers, GI Joe, videogames, cartoons, BMX, etc..

Now, we talk about work related shit, health issues, etc...
When I was young, my friends and I have common interests. Since I started working, becoming an adult, friends fade away, and you meet new ones, but they're more like associates. You only call them and they only call you when they need something.

When I was a kid, we'd talk about Transformers, GI Joe, videogames, cartoons, BMX, etc..

Now, we talk about work related shit, health issues, etc...
Interests change as we get older. It would be really weird for two grown ass men to talk about transformers, GI Joe, cartoons, etc

That's what the internet karate forum called Sherdog is for
I’m sorry, it sounds like you don’t have good friends in your life and that’s truly a shame.

I have a good friend. We started out working together, then she moved next door. Now we’re always hanging out whether it be thrifting or sitting on her couch talking about life over tea. Being around her always makes me feel better and we help each other a lot while neither one of us actually asks for anything. Idk. It’s a fulfilling relationship. She’s really neat too.
I’m sorry, it sounds like you don’t have good friends in your life and that’s truly a shame.

I have a good friend. We started out working together, then she moved next door. Now we’re always hanging out whether it be thrifting or sitting on her couch talking about life over tea. Being around her always makes me feel better and we help each other a lot while neither one of us actually asks for anything. Idk. It’s a fulfilling relationship. She’s really neat too.

Sorry Kardashians but , obligatory....

Pics of friend....?

No not really. I mean, I have friends but we don't mainly share the same interests. My closest friend is a woman so no we really don't share the same interests. We go out to eat to different places like twice a week, you could consider eating as a common interest if you'd like.
Yes, particularly with my best bud since we were kids. My interests are also somewhat varied so I've different friend/acquaintance groups though I'm not very social these days + life and in some cases distance is an issue so we don't chill much. A lot of that's on me. The throughline is I suppose a somewhat similar set of ethics/viewpoint on life/thoughtfulness more so than but also along with shared interests. There's also some neuros diverging which is another throughline I've noticed lately, lol.
Man this girl buys food and cooks it for me without me asking. She'll come deep clean my house if it isn't up to her standards. I can be stranded 100 miles away at 3 AM and she'll get up and come get me. Women can have value. I'm not willing to cut someone like that out of my life.

But maybe, I don't know. I feel fine. Even if I did I like my hair too much to risk fucking my hormones and going bald.
She'll come deep clean your house? But it's platonic? Big red flag.
Yes platonic and no red flag. We've both dated several other people since we've been friends. I am 100% confident she doesn't want to date me.

We haven't done anything sexual since 2015. After we broke up I sort of built a roster where I was banging 5 different girls including her and when she found out she got upset and vowed to never have sex with me again. I wasn't really mad about it, that's fair I guess. As I noted she's a great person so I kept her in my life regardless. We didn't become as close as we are today overnight, it took many years.

Enough about me I don't want to take up too much space in here.
Drinking I suppose. Got one I golf with.
So how would your woman feel about your friend coming round to give your house a deep clean?
I wouldn't date a woman who didn't accept who my friends were. It's not like she HAS to come clean my shit. If it were the other way around and she had a jealous boyfriend of some type, I would understand and wish her the best. I actually hope for some good guy to come into her life and treat her right because her last couple ex's have been trash. I wish all the people I care about happiness.

I'm done answering questions Rob. Have a good night.
According to you, you aren't able to have a proper relationship so you keep her around. What's your relationship with your mother like?
You can PM me if you'd like. TS probably doesn't want their thread cluttered with this stuff.
I think it's relevant to the thread. In parts of the world, people are very confused about gender and gender roles which is not separable from relationships, including friendships. A frank discussion about these issues could benefit a few.
I think it's possible for a man and a woman to have a friendship and both people can have proper relationships with other people at the same time. I understand that people of either sex might have trust issues regarding this which is why I think it's important to make sure your partner knows that anytime you hang out with that friend of the opposite sex they should be welcome to come along as well. It's ok if the partner doesn't want you to hang out with that other person alone and that should be respected.

Me and this friend doesn't even talk about sex, or at least not concerning between us. If one of our partners spent time around us, they would probably see nothing is going on.
Not really....

I used to think that heterosexual men and women could be friends, but that was some time ago. I did actually do the just friends thing back then, but eventually – and it can take many years – you discover that there was a supressed desire for more from one or even both parties. There are always outliers, but that’s not a reason to build a life around them.

Of course, on the rare occasion that a heterosexual man and woman are truly platonic friends, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be problems – partners. And you covered this, so I won’t go into details other than we have a different take. To me, it’s fluffy liberal ideology to go along with this. I am not saying you need to do as I say. On the contrary, if it works for you, it works for you. And, if it doesn’t work out further down the line, I don’t care either.

From one of your posts, you said you wouldn’t be willing to cut her out of your life, but would you choose a plutonic friendship over a good wife? But please, not the cliché that someone who loves you wouldn’t ask that of you.

For me, being clear about boundaries is important. Applying the rule that heterosexual men and women cannot be friends, helps with appropriate boundaries. If you are about the traditional family model and have pledged to a monogamous relationship, this boundary will serve you well. A good wife is likely to have the same boundaries too. Observing others, you see evidence of this too.
For me, I haven't dated anyone since 2017. I'm not looking to date anyone anytime soon. I have not pursued any type of relationship in years. I still have an active sex life, but I'm not interested in serious relationships.

This is personal, but I'm introverted and a bit selfish. I don't like sharing my time. I don't like sharing my money. I'm not looking for a family. I'm happier not having to do those things and I learned this after some deep introspection over some past failed relationships. I've dated several good women who would be a good wife, and I've broke up with most of them. Finally I just asked myself what the fuck I was doing.

So for me, I don't see this being an issue anytime soon. For her, I completely understand it's a possibility to lose her as a friend. Until that happens though I see no reason to cut a good friend out of my life.