Do you have any friends with the same interests?

MMA is love and MMA is life. None of my friend are as obsessed with it as I am which is fine, I have my sherbros here to listen to my unasked for tangents <lmao>

But other than that, my interests are like any other guy's my age: college sports, NBA, Tennis, NFL (hard to keep interest when my home team is generally shit), tad bit of PC gaming (Yakuza, FPS stuff like csgo or valorant), anime/manga, and just in general reading books in any genre.
My friends have similar interests in music, movies, television, and video games. I haven't found an MMA friend unfortunately.
I have the same group of friends since growing up besides a few, interests were closer back then but peoples taste change. I dont have a friend who has no common interests with me but people grow out of things and get new hobbys. Also some same interests but different kind. Like for instance games both like to game but totally different games same for movies. We all used to watch mma and now i only think me and another friend follow it and im kinda losing interest i dont even think its the product just getting tired of it.
I only have one friend that I actually hang out with consistently anymore. We go biking or go play tennis every Monday. We have about a three hour window where our schedules line up every week so we take advantage of it. We've been friends since we were five.

We also have another couple we hang out with and play board games with but they are more of my girls friends than mine.
You should have hobbies as an adult. Especially physical activity. You should stay active and healthy. Thing about friends as adults is you needed to be careful. Kids are innocent, you don't think anything of making friends. Adults set each other up and all kinds of stuff. Some people just say fuck it, no friends.
My main interest is music, playing and attending shows so 90% of my friends are either other musicians or music fans. When it comes to mma though I can count on one hand how many friends I have that share that interest
Close enough interests that we can enjoy each other's stuff somewhat or at least talk about why we like it and the others will listen to it. Close enough music taste that we can go to the music the others like and not be bored. But these are a few guys I've known since we were younger.

Work friends, I'm lucky I've worked with 1-2 guys who had common interests who I could easily talk to for hours (if I run into them), but can't say they became lasting friendships. Definitely tougher to make closer friends when you're an adult (since you're not around the same people lots in an environment for goofing around together) - though not impossible.

But yes as you get older liking the same things isn't as important as when you're a kid. I think you learn to appreciate lots of things. Like with something you don't like loads, you can usually find some interesting details or way of thinking about it.
You should have hobbies as an adult. Especially physical activity. You should stay active and healthy. Thing about friends as adults is you needed to be careful. Kids are innocent, you don't think anything of making friends. Adults set each other up and all kinds of stuff. Some people just say fuck it, no friends.
Yeah I like listening to podcasts as a hobby so I combine that with physical activity, unless I'm driving.
Yeah, most of my friends are into snowmobiling, sports or cars/atv’s. Most of them are blue collar dudes like me and most of them fish and hunt.
The majority of my friends share multiple common interests, whether it’s surfing, fishing, MMA, video games, hiking, or hitting the bar. Most of of my friend groups overlap somewhat and we will all get together on occasion.

I suggest finding more new hobbies if you aren’t sharing many interests with your friends.
My friends that I have now I found through my interests / church. I have one buddy that I love to go fishing with and another that we meet up for wings / a beer every other week. But, I’ve met them all through the church I go to. So technically we’re friends because we have a common Christian faith.
I have High School/College life long friends (Some 45 years plus) and we all have similar interests which is why we have remained close. Priorities shift, but interests are similar. A nice dinner and drinks, maybe a game, and we are like kids again.
growing up I had a two groups of friends my need friends and my homies

out of them most of my homies have moved on to another plane. but there are still a couple around and we are still close always bros. the nerd friends I got one who I grew up with who lives in China with me. we are more like bros now. one need bro bro-broke up with us because he was the whipping boy of the group. we are still coolest but he won't kick it with us as a group. the other dude dislike me and I don't blame him on was shitty to him.

making new friends is hard for me I got acquaintences and friends but no new bros
I have High School/College life long friends (Some 45 years plus) and we all have similar interests which is why we have remained close. Priorities shift, but interests are similar. A nice dinner and drinks, maybe a game, and we are like kids again.
And the gf/wife will never understand.
And the gf/wife will never understand.
LOL, after all these years, we don't get too much lip. The main issue is we will try and go for it like th eold days and recovery isn't what it used to be....I have now realized that a pre-emptive statement is always best "Don't plan shit on the day after I am going out because I will be in no shape".
Usually me and my friends just talk about our medieval weapons collections. Constantly one upping each other with who has the best lance, war hammer, morning star etc. It can be quite titillating.

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