Hill Sprints


Le Parrain
Aug 8, 2019
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I've taken to Hill Sprints on my off days from the gym, starting with 3 to 5 to 6 uphills sprints, jogging down again, and doing them one after another.

My personal best at the moment is 4:32 for 6 sprints. An improvement when it used to take me 5 minutes to do 5 of them.

Has anyone else here tried them? I'm considering doing a few sprints uphill holding a 100lb sandbag to build myself up again.
I implement them usually for speed. (faster speeds and longer recovery)
When doing them for conditioning, they make me nauseous to the point it's not worth it for me. Same thing goes for sled work.
Bag running and long range carries is kinky torture
Can't imagine running a hill holding 100lbs lol. Probably be better off dragging something
What hill? As in elevation and inclinaision ? I do a hill which is very steep regularly. It s roughly 80m elevation and I have to essentially zigzag over a width of like a 100m a couple of times.
I never analysed it much but I suppose I usually stop sprinting halfway and do the last half walking fast....i am usually about to pass out at the same spot haha.
I did that regularly for a couple of months during teh rona.

Do the sprints with enough rest time. Sprint up the hill, take a deep breath, walk down slowly and go all in again. It's a HIIT exercises, why do you even look at the time brah? Just try to do every time one more sprint than the previous time. After you work your way up to 10 all in sprints you can start using a weight vest.

You shouldn't do hill sprints only for the sake of anaerobic cardio, the benefits and transition to other sports are way more than only getting superhuman cardio. Lower body explosivness will be on another level for example. Shoot / penetration step in wrestling, muay thai kicks, sprints in (european) football and so on.
I. Love. Hill sprints.
Like I was saying before, fkn hate them.
The best.
Added a few more lb increments to the sandbag, now after sprinting I do 10 sandbag shouldering reps before jogging and sprinting up again
Did them occasionally when I was in college and had a really good inclined hill right outside my apartment. Very good exercise for conditioning.
I did that regularly for a couple of months during teh rona.

Do the sprints with enough rest time. Sprint up the hill, take a deep breath, walk down slowly and go all in again. It's a HIIT exercises, why do you even look at the time brah? Just try to do every time one more sprint than the previous time. After you work your way up to 10 all in sprints you can start using a weight vest.

You shouldn't do hill sprints only for the sake of anaerobic cardio, the benefits and transition to other sports are way more than only getting superhuman cardio. Lower body explosivness will be on another level for example. Shoot / penetration step in wrestling, muay thai kicks, sprints in (european) football and so on.
Ok you are talking about a small hill that you can sprint full anaerobic a few times.

The hill I do is both long and steep so you need to jog but even then it becomes pretty anaerobic.
What's the grade of hill you're supposed to use? I found a place by my house that has to be like an 80% grade. My legs actually die before I reach the top but I will myself to get there.
Hard to know if your time is good without knowing the distance of the hill you're running and the elevation.

Also I would avoid doing hill sprints carrying heavy objects like a 100lb sandbag, you're just gonna fuck your knees long term.
What's the grade of hill you're supposed to use? I found a place by my house that has to be like an 80% grade. My legs actually die before I reach the top but I will myself to get there.
Depends on the purpose.
I prefer a minimal angle so sprint mechanics aren't messed up.
I ride my bicycle out to a nearby hill and run up the hill one handed with my bike and then ride my bicycle back down for my next interval. I think jogging down the hill is too hard on my joints, too difficult exertion wise, and using my bike allows me to shorten the time between intervals which I prefer.

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