Ice cream cost too much. F--- that.


I actuallty thought about adding powdered milk. Do you have a ratio per half and half? I opted out of Heavy cream because it cost too fucking much.

I lost my recipe, but what I remember was like 1/6th of the milk and cream so if it's 3 cups of dairy it was a half cup of powder or if it was 2 cups dairy I'd use 1/3 cup.

And I think I would warm up the custard and then blend it in because that's a good bit of solids.

You may want to try a little bit less and see how it turns out and work your way up.
Looks delicious. I can remember my grandparents making homemade ice cream and it was good.
That looks like liquid diabeetus

Technically, buying ice cream making equipment (e.g. Ninja CREAMi, Cuisinart ICE-21, etc) is the best way to end up eating something healthy because you can use sweeteners like stevia, erythritol or whichever you prefer at reasonable cost. You have total control. Meanwhile, grocery products marked as "diet" or "healthy" are extremely expensive per gram and typically have unwanted additives.
Technically, buying ice cream making equipment (e.g. Ninja CREAMi, Cuisinart ICE-21, etc) is the best way to end up eating something healthy because you can use sweeteners like stevia, erythritol or whichever you prefer at reasonable cost. You have total control. Meanwhile, grocery products marked as "diet" or "healthy" are extremely expensive per gram and typically have unwanted additives.
How about you don't eat that crap in the first place idk buy a carrot
How about you don't eat that crap in the first place idk buy a carrot

There's nothing wrong with something like cream, it's just high in calories, which is fine if you don't overindulge. Sugar is the real issue which you get to remove when doing the ice cream yourself. If you don't want healthy ice cream, that's fine, don't buy such products.
I’ve been throwing frozen mango, milk, whey protein and lime juice in the vitamix and blending. It’s pretty good!
It's kind of ridiculous. You go to the store now and there are $10 pints of ice cream. Some bougie shit that's clearly not much different than the cheap stuff. But marketing.
There's nothing wrong with something like cream, it's just high in calories, which is fine if you don't overindulge. Sugar is the real issue which you get to remove when doing the ice cream yourself. If you don't want healthy ice cream, that's fine, don't buy such products.
Thanks for your permission bruvva

I stopped eating sweets when I stopped being a kid
That looks delicious ts fuck da haters