Ilia Topuria > Conor McGregor


Po Atan
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
At the same point in their fight lives, where each was a UFC phenom, and one the FW Championship,
  • Topuria came in against Volk 14-0 (12 finishes, 86%), whereas ...
  • Conor came in against Aldo 19-2 (17, finishes, 81%, but was finished twice, 4.5%)
Topuria came in with a perfect record, never lost, never finished, higher-percentage finish rate.
Conor came in with more fights, but more losses, both finishes (by submission).

Both wins are equivalent, but to give Conor the proper credit, the win over Aldo was more spectacular because it was at Aldo's absolute peak and he hadn't lost in years.
Conor's KO was also more spectacular, because it was so fast and over with so quickly.

That said, Conor's glaring weaknesses have always been his stamina and his wrestling.
By contrast, Ilia Topuria appears to have outstanding stamina and outstanding wrestling — and even cleaner, tighter boxing.

Conor was at his best when he was a free-floating karateka, and his demise came when he tried to be a "tight" boxer.
His excessive musculature development, and body type, our simply not suited for inside fighting — Conor was at his best sniping from a distance.

In stark opposition to this, Ilia Topuria is deadly in the pocket, is loose and relaxed, and much more natural (and deadly) with his combination punching.

When you add to this the fact that Topuria appears to have incredible stamina (he was breathing out of his nose, mouth shut, in between rounds with Volk) — and he's a dynamic wrestler-grappler — he appears to have much more lasting potential than Conor McGregor ever did.

That said, Topuria appears to have a slender face, and a thin neck, so I am not sure how good his chin is, if he gets really clipped.

Time will tell, but he did a helluva job last night.
17 finishes in 19 wins is 89%, retard.

17 finishes in 21 total fights, which include 2 decision wins and 2 losses by submission.

By contrast, Topuria had 12 finishes in 14 total fights, all wins.
That's a 100% win record, and an 86% finish record.

The math checks out, but unlike you (retard), I juxtapose that against Conor's total fights, in two of which Conor quit, and two of which he did not finish but got the decision.

That's a 91% win record, and an 81% finish record, all fights accounted for.
17 finishes in 21 total fights, which include 2 decision wins and 2 losses by submission.

By contrast, Topuria had 12 finishes in 14 total fights, all wins.

The math checks out, but unlike you (retard), I juxtapose that against his total fights, in two of which Conor quit, and two of which he did not finish but got the decision.
Finish percentage is only counted for wins, dummy.

Either you really are a tard and don't know this. Or you do and you factored in his losses specifically to make sure Topuria's finish rate was higher (which it isnt) to booster your dumb argument. Making you duplicitous as well as a tard.
Finish percentage is only counted for wins, dummy.

By you maybe, but my explanation is valid.

Conor was only able to finish his opponent 81% of the time he got in the cage with them, Topuria 86% of the time he gets in the cage with them.

Either you really are a tard and don't know this. Or you do and you factored in his losses specifically to make sure Topuria's finish rate was higher (which it isnt) to booster your dumb argument. Making you duplicitous as well as a tard.

No, I understand what you're saying, if you want to only want to count the finish record in the "wins," but it's a more accurate assessment of an individual's power to counts their finishes against all fights they've had.
Conor lost a few, quitting in both. The other two were decisions. That's four times Conor got into the cage at that point and failed to get a finish, twice even failing to get the win, being finished himself.
That matters to me.

I'm neither duplicitous, nor a tard; I judge things the way I choose to judge them.
I'm not an idiotic lemming like you, who doesn't take all fights into consideration when evaluating an individual's ability to finish.
he's a better martial artist for sure but its a decade later, this shit is blooming
I hate all your threads and I don't even know why.

Lol neither do I.

There were a lot of similarities between Conor's grab for the FW title and Ilia's. There was a thread about it but I couldn't find it.

The KO percentages are similar, beating long-reigning FW Champs, both having huge finished percentages.

The difference is, Conor never defended, and he had glaring holes in his game (horrible stamina, substandard grappling).

Topuria seems to have high marks in every category (but I questioned his chin at this point).

That's all it was, a thought as to the similarities, but where I think Topuria rates higher than McGregor in these categories.

What is to "hate" about this comparison, or is bitchassness a general characteristic of yours?
Nah Toporia hasn’t beaten anyone besides Volk. Conor beat Max, Dustin, Mendes then KOd Aldo by the first punch in 10 seconds.
He just needs to defend his belt once at FW and he's already better at FW than McG.
Topuria accomplished more last night than Conor has his whole career.