Is woke gender labelling bigoted? I think it might be.


Sgt Sprinkles
Oct 11, 2012
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Move to war room if you like, it's not politics I'm posting about and I consider it intelligent discussion, which is supposedly Mayberry content.

So a friend of mine I've not seen for a while told me her 8yr old son was non binary, I said nothing, it was a non sequitur so I carried on with the conversation and let her be. But it irritated me so I decided to think about it and work out why, this is my hypothesis:

So I think that people who are describing anyones gender as different from birth sex are bigoted. Because they are holding the unreasonable belief that people cannot experience feelings that we consider related to the gender that does not conform with their birth sex.

It is normal for some men to feel nurturing towards babies, or to enjoy gossiping. It is also normal for some women to enjoy combat sports and to fix motor cars. Doing these things or identifying with aspects of the other gender does not make them a different gender, it's just aspects of the diversity of the human experience.

So, gender woke people are bigots, yes?
I think there's more to people feeling a different gender than just girls who like sports dude.

That's an example not a definitive description. Use whatever gendered behaviour or identity you like.
Everything about “woke” is racist, exclusionary, and counterproductive to society. It serves no purpose and will
never result in correcting the societal issues it intends to. Any special classes will only be met with animosity from their special treatment or protected class.
Forced compliance to a pre-manufactured false narrative as well as its terms and verbiage. (Also meant to control the narrative)
It’s authoritarian at its very nature and has no business in a constitutional republic like the US.
That's an example not a definitive description. Use whatever gendered behaviour or identity you like.

Well I think naturally whether or not it felt bigoted would depend how extreme the behaviour was. Someone who genuinely feels that they were born in the wrong body would be quite far down the scale (doesn't matter whether people want to consider that mental illness or a genuine thing in this instance) whereas someone who's a bit of a tomboy wouldn't be far down the scale at all.
Bigoted is defined as obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

So the woke crowd or the non gender binary crowd are bigoted against men who sometimes feel like a woman, for example, or indeed anyone who doesn't confirm entirely to a gender binary that they present at birth.
I think there's more to people feeling a different gender than just girls who like sports dude.
if gender is a social construct, you can't have apriori feelings about gender.
if a tranny was born on an island and somehow lived there alone, he'd make no changes to his appearance because there's no society around him to model himself from. he wouldn't look down at his cock and go gee i wish that thing wasn't there for some reason.
all the gender talk dissolves into ridiculousness once adults talk about it and you don't have screamers pushing this muh 34343 genders nonsense.
Essentially they are hoisted by their own petard.

This whole thing has been bothering me for years, similar to the feminist anti man stuff where lack of female excellence is held up as an example of a glass ceiling even in areas like doctoring where women are predominant. Whereas genetics explains quite clearly why there are more men with the highest and lowest IQs, and why women are on average, more average.
if gender is a social construct, you can't have apriori feelings about gender.
if a tranny was born on an island and somehow lived there alone, he'd make no changes to his appearance because there's no society around him to model himself from. he wouldn't look down at his cock and go gee i wish that thing wasn't there for some reason.
all the gender talk dissolves into ridiculousness once adults talk about it and you don't have screamers pushing this muh 34343 genders nonsense.

I don't believe gender is a social construct and I think people that push that are usually well meaning but ultimately get in the way of providing appropriate support to people that need it.
I don't believe gender is a social construct and I think people that push that are usually well meaning but ultimately get in the way of providing appropriate support to people that need it.
my thesis is there are no people that need it outside of mental illness.
how would they need something for which an entire societal structure must exist for them to recognize that need, if not for it being a mental illness ?
Move to war room if you like, it's not politics I'm posting about and I consider it intelligent discussion, which is supposedly Mayberry content.

So a friend of mine I've not seen for a while told me her 8yr old son was non binary, I said nothing, it was a non sequitur so I carried on with the conversation and let her be. But it irritated me so I decided to think about it and work out why, this is my hypothesis:

So I think that people who are describing anyones gender as different from birth sex are bigoted. Because they are holding the unreasonable belief that people cannot experience feelings that we consider related to the gender that does not conform with their birth sex.

It is normal for some men to feel nurturing towards babies, or to enjoy gossiping. It is also normal for some women to enjoy combat sports and to fix motor cars. Doing these things or identifying with aspects of the other gender does not make them a different gender, it's just aspects of the diversity of the human experience.

So, gender woke people are bigots, yes?

Gotta be honest, whenever I hear the term 'non-binary' I just wonder why I'm hearing it or why it's relevant.

I don't give a shit. It doesn't matter to me. No need to tell me.

It would be just as jarring if a man stated they're a man. Yeah, so?
my thesis is there are no people that need it outside of mental illness.
how would they need something for which an entire societal structure must exist for them to recognize that need, if not for it being a mental illness ?

I think it is probably a mental illness, but I think there's room to work out how you cure the illness. In certain cases it might be that a transition is the way to go but I think that those cases would be extremely limited and only available after a load of mental health treatment.
I think it is probably a mental illness, but I think there's room to work out how you cure the illness. In certain cases it might be that a transition is the way to go but I think that those cases would be extremely limited and only available after a load of mental health treatment.
acknowledging it's a mental illness is a good start.
problem is some dipshits wanna force the entire society to change according to mentally ill people. if it was strictly a medical problem, nobody would give a shit.
but it's being forced as a political problem.
There are some that are desperate to join in on the zeitgeist, and there are some that are legitimately trans.

I don't believe very many of these genders are legitimate, but I am not one to disparage or denigrate someone if they aren't hurting anyone.

However, leave women's sports alone. Use the unisex or family bathroom and lock the door behind you. And do not demand anyone else participate in your delusion.
Ok, but specifically, let's stay on point here guys, is the process of describing people's genders as non binary really an act of bigotry?

I think it is, because it means that they are obstinately held to the belief that a male cannot be male gendered and feel like a woman, for example.