Social Major study finds Gender Affirming Care has no significant effect on suicide rate

Yeah, I'm sure throughout Europe there are no people who are bigoted toward trans people. It's a total non-issue, riiiiight.

I'm arguing for the ignorant to stay out of the decisions about other peoples' children. I've said my piece. I'm not addressing this rambling nonsense.
I wouldn't want to engage the facts either if my posts were so far afield consistently in the way yours are.

My position is all about preserving the health and happiness of trans kids and making sure they're getting much, much better medical care and psychological care than they have been. Your position is keeping your head in the sand and letting them get hurt by ideologues.

Just screaming bigot bigot all the time isn't an argument. It's slander. It's also the strategy of transgender activists who are very often not transgender people themselves.
Re: the bold text, why not? Well, why not, depending upon how you interpret "whatever they throw out there"?

Do people think kids wake up one morning and decide they're transgender and book surgery for the following week or some shit? The issue is overblown to add to anti-trans hysteria.

And what good does denying these people medically approved care do for society at large, hm?

The idea that there's some massive push to perform surgery on kids is just plain ridiculous fearmongering. Perhaps the entire field needs a lot more research and further study, but I'm not a medical professional in a position to judge that. Except that's not what people ITT are saying. They want it banned altogether and fuck the people it negatively effects because who cares about them right? Just a bunch of lib trannies, right? Fuck their feelings, isn't that the saying?

Everyone seems to be assuming I'm in favor of one action or another on the part of people providing or seeking gender affirming care. Not true. I'm saying it's none of my business. It's an issue of medical care between doctors (and their regulators) and patients (and their legal guardians). The constant bitching about it among people who are not impacted by it in any way is funny and sad at the same time, but overall it's mainly just nauseating.

I think there are multiple factors at play in this, but both sides tend to wrongly boil this down to either bigotry/transphobia, or some sort of abomination/fetish/abuse. I'm not assuming your position here, I don't know it in full. I"m also not defending or supporting others ITT that call for extreme actions on this one way or the other.

Most people don't get beyond the debate of whether or not transgenderism is real or not. The more important/interesting questions, and why it matters to society at large come after that.
If it is real, then how much do we actually know about this condition? Should we be experimenting with medications and surgeries on children when this isn't something we have a firm understanding of? Is what we're doing now even the best treatment? IS there a treatment ? People act as if this stuff has already been exhaustively researched and decided one way or the other.

The fearmongering that every other kid is going to turn trans is obviously wrong and ignorant, but the other side of this is also wrong. "Don't care what other people do. It's none of your business. It's only a bathroom. It's only a sport. It's only a word". The constant attempts at minimizing the issue and why people care about it isn't much better.
The conversation about transgenderism is a conversation about the fundamentals of what we've always thought was true about life and biology....there's always been a male and a female...and there have been norms, rules, and laws that have always been attached to that. If that's changed---that's not a small thing.
To act as if a challenge to that premise isn't a big deal that no one should care about, and doesn't have some effect on society is just not true. At minimum, it tells me how that person thinks. If a persons thinks one can identify anyway they want and that there doesn't even need to be sufficient scientific data to support that, that's scary to a lot of people. Because what else are you willing to accept or change then?
And that's where you get people making the ridiculous comparisons and statements like "Well, if you can identify as a boy, then why can't you identify as a liger?"
"It's none of your business" isn't an answer, and it isn't even true, frankly speaking.

We don't live in a world where gender doesn't matter. So long as it does, how we define it and what is done about it should matter to those living in said society.
And what good does denying these people medically approved care do for society at large, hm?
We are in the wild west as far as "medically approved care" for transgenderism goes.

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