Opinion Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity

It's a completely overblown topic IMO. It gets way more coverage than the < 1% of the western population that it concerns. And the trans themselves are not even loud about it as these poor people are too busy fighting their own demons. As usual, it's the virtue signalling progressists that are doing these aggressive activist campaigns and the dumb center left medias are more than happy to get on their knees and spread the news.
Well big conflicts are always about grander things than the small trigger.

Right now the fight is a cultural one, in which one sides shows you an apple and forces you to say what you see in an orange. it's about submission, not truth. Because "trans women are women" would not survive in a world centered around truth, only in a world centered around submission. It's forced training for a generation that must get their "truth" from controlled consensus, not thinking. so no, it's not an overblown topic. it's one of the thousand cuts that lead to a society of brain-dead, passive, scared population, where you were always at war with Eastasia.

So this "trans women are women" is a grotesque statement that encloses an ideological project. What can be destroyed by the truth should be destroyed by the truth.
Interesting that no one else has an opinion of the surrogacy part of this yet.
Well, I know that many surrogate mothers have regrets, especially after giving up the child. The bond is real. But hey, we’re all big girls here, so as long as the surrogate is well informed it’s alright by me.
Interesting that no one else has an opinion of the surrogacy part of this yet.

I do. I think their opinion on the matter stinks. Of course the exploitation of surrogate mothers is something that should be condemned and avoided but to just blanket be against it is cruel to those families that have no other choices left for them to have a biological children of their own, and invalidating to those children born through those processes.
Well big conflicts are always about grander things than the small trigger.

Right now the fight is a cultural one, in which one sides shows you an apple and forces you to say what you see in an orange. it's about submission, not truth. Because "trans women are women" would not survive in a world centered around truth, only in a world centered around submission. It's forced training for a generation that must get their "truth" from controlled consensus, not thinking. so no, it's not an overblown topic. it's one of the thousand cuts that lead to a society of brain-dead, passive, scared population, where you were always at war with Eastasia.

So this "trans women are women" is a grotesque statement that encloses an ideological project. What can be destroyed by the truth should be destroyed by the truth.
Yes i agree with that. I am saying that at its core, it's a meaningless topic that is being used as a device by the activist left.
I do. I think their opinion on the matter stinks. Of course the exploitation of surrogate mothers is something that should be condemned and avoided but to just blanket be against it is cruel to those families that have no other choices left for them to have a biological children of their own, and invalidating to those children born through those processes.
This is my take on many positions the Catholic Church holds on social morality. Whenever policy is set en mass it's a cleaver that is used and not a scalpel. Most of the rules you find in Christianity and that come from the Christian tradition keep more people from being harmed than harmed but there are always individuals who slip through the cracks and are hurt by it.

But I think that's true of any policy whether it's political, legal, or religious. And I'm not sure there's a way around it because you have to form policy that keeps most people from being harmed.
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I do. I think their opinion on the matter stinks. Of course the exploitation of surrogate mothers is something that should be condemned and avoided but to just blanket be against it is cruel to those families that have no other choices left for them to have a biological children of their own, and invalidating to those children born through those processes.
Did you see my other post on why I think their position is consistent with their value set?

While I don't agree with them on surrogacy, I'm not Catholic. I've always been of the opinion that so long as Catholicism is consistent, I don't care what they believe. People who don't agree with them are free to leave for other Christian sects.
Never did understand why someone would volunteer for the pure Hell that is childbirth, for someone else. I don't have a problem with it, but it just seems weird.

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