Man. Deathproof is a terrible movie

That was how I felt. I was kind of mad at my friend that told me to watch it
Good, I haven't seen it. But I saw Planet Terror which was not bad and enjoyed it
Love Death Proof!


To each their own tho.
I like Death Proof but Tarantino got too far in front of his skis with that movie. Inglorious Basterds brought him back to reality

Planet Terror was good fun shit
First half is really good. Car chase is pretty good. Soundtrack is awesome. Everything else is really bad.

I remember seeing "Grindhouse" in the theater. Following up "Planet Terror" was not a good idea. It was like "Jewel" trying to follow "Rage Against the Machine". Everybody had the same reaction to it, after coming off that high. "What the fuck was that boring ass shit?"

That said, I do think it was more in the spirit of those older B-movies they were shooting for, that had a lot of filler in between their money shots. Those B-movies aren't good overall movies. They had to streeeetch things out, in between their big sequences that drained their budget. "Planet Terror" was big budget flick with some tricks. "Death Proof" was a cheap flick with some flare.
I thought that Death Proof was a good balance of Tarantino not going overboard with jerking himself off. I would give it a solid 8/10. I thought it was a much tighter film than Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which has its moments but is a loose bag of scenes that Tarantino thought were cool.

I saw both Death Proof and Planet Terror as the double feature they were in the theaters. Rodriguez I think did a better job at capture 80s horror schlock than Tarantino. Death Proof was too polished and thought out to be 70s and 80s horror schlock. I don't think Tarantino gets that those movies even though it is clear he is a huge fan of them. Tarantino feels like almost a satire of cheesy horror movies rather than that style itself.
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Death Proof and Planet Terror plus the fake trailers as unified theatrical experience is the best possible way to enjoy them. Grindhouse was easily one of my most enjoyable trips to the theater in 2007. But when you separate those films out, you definitely lose something- from both. I enjoyed Rodriguez’s film more but Death Proof wasn’t without merits. Russell was great. First section was solid. Zoe Bell’s stunt work was awesome.

It’s just that the second half of the film felt sort of silly and interminable.

That said, I really do think that Grindhouse was a core example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Those components- Proof, Planet Terror, and the trailers made for a hugely fun experience at the movies.
Kurt Russell is great in it, but Tarantino messed up the second half. It's like he wanted to do a tribute to late 60's and 70's stunt heavy car flicks but couldn't resist Tarantino-ing and getting too goofy. He hasn't been great with second halves in a lot of his flicks. Deathproof, Hateful Eight, Django, etc.
I liked both, I also liked Machete Kills which also had that same campiness.