Elections Place Your Bets - When does Biden drop out?

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  • Biden is on the ballot in November.

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Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Lets be real here - All the talk of Trump VS Biden is cute but there's no way the Washington Establishment (Uni-Party) and Deep State are going to allow Biden in his obviously dementia-ridden state to be on the ballot in November. Its far too obvious he's only the President in name only, and his staff is running the Executive branch without Biden even able to comprehend what is going on.

They're not going to risk a second Trump term, in which they fear he'd discredit their significance and power.

So, poll is up, place your bets for when the announcement is made he's out, and someone else will be the Democrat nominee for 2024.

Went ahead and added 'Biden is on the ballot in November' for those who insist.

*You only get one vote.
*Poll results are public, so those who are proven correct have bragging rights.
*Cannot Change Votes. So if you guess May, in June you can't change your vote.
*Can only see the vote results only after you vote. This way viewers can't see what the popular choice is and join the crowd... who may be wrong anyway.
*This thread/poll will be bumped periodically throughout 2024.
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Obviously the choice for Biden to be switched out has already been made, and for whom is another thread.

It won't be in the later half of 2024 because it'd be too much of a challenge to legally get a new name on the ballot by November in all 50 states. It can't be too close to the convention because its supposed to be a campaign rally for whom the nominee is going to be.

I estimate its going to be in May or June, but I'm picking June. It'll be interesting to see what the process will be for the DNC to pick a nominee without primaries and probably only consulting their precious super delegates.
sleepy joe won't be going anywhere in this race. he's got cardio for days.

the big guy was put on this planet for three things, and for three things only. and that is to eat ice cream, take naps, and whoop trump's ass in the elections.

that is his sole purpose in life, and ain't nothing gonna stand in the way of dementia joe's afternoon naps, his insatiable appetite for ice cream cones, or his complete and utter annihilation of the twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted, election-losing fraudster, rapist, and sneaker salesman at the polls.

Yup, Trump lost.
Not saying he didn't.

And Biden was leading the polls over Trump throughout 2020 in the swing states.

Have you seen those swing state polls for 2024?

havent looked at the polls nor will i ever care about any of them . every poll is skewed and biased in one way or another. if polls were always right, crooked hillary would have won.

democrats won all 6 of their state house seats in the pennsylvania elections the other week if thats any kind of signs to go by. but i'm sure any polls would tell you just how great trump is doing there, or how much he's gonna get his ass kicked. none of that really means anything.

if you're bewildered after the twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted, election losing, serial-lying fraudster and rapist does what he does best outside of a department store fitting room when he's not busy cheating on all of his wives or stealing from children from cancer - and loses another election and you're sitting there going "how could this ever happen?!? but but but....the polls told me he would win" then you're doing it wrong.

the only polls that matter are the election is that the fraudy orange election-losing rapist just had the most people in the history of the nations elections vote against him just to kick him to the gutter.

he has done nothing at all between now and the 2020 election to make those voters change their minds about him. he's every bit the piece of shit today that he was 3 years ago. mind you he didnt get found liable for sexual assault or multiple counts of fraud and defamation back then either.
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havent looked at the polls nor do i care.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love Biden's name to still be on the November ballot.

He's weak, frail, and pathetic as he displays with every public statement he makes as evident in the OP video.

I'd love to see him campaign throughout all the swing states in 2024, and call a lid by 2pm each day.

But the simple fact is its not 2020 anymore, with a pandemic the media can constantly blame Trump on, and Biden can't hide in his basement using COVID for an excuse not to campaign.

So, to everyone voting 'Biden is on the ballot in November,' I hope you're right.
It's way too late for that.
There's still 9 entire months before the election.

That's plenty of time.

The question, for another thread, is whom would be the nominee. Its too late for primaries to be redone.

The interesting question is when is absolutely the latest date ballots on all 50 states could be changed? If Biden falls down and dies in October, is Trump guaranteed to be the default President?
every poll is skewed and biased in one way or another. if polls were always right, crooked hillary would have won.

democrats won all 6 of their state house seats in the pennsylvania elections the other week if thats any kind of signs to go by. but i'm sure any polls would tell you just how great trump is doing there, or how much he's gonna get his ass kicked. none of that really means anything.

if you're bewildered after the twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted, election losing, serial-lying fraudster and rapist does what he does best outside of a department store fitting room when he's not busy cheating on all of his wives or stealing from children from cancer - and loses another election and you're sitting there going "how could this ever happen?!? but but but....the polls told me he would win" then you're doing it wrong.

the only polls that matter are the election is that the fraudy orange election-losing rapist just had the most people in the history of the nations elections vote against him just to kick him to the gutter.

he has done nothing at all between now and the 2020 election to make those voters change their minds about him. he's every bit the piece of shit today that he was 3 years ago. mind you he didnt get found liable for sexual assault or multiple counts of fraud and defamation back then either.

Oh you added all of this to an earlier post.

For you, this is a typical 'Who will win Trump or Biden?' thread, so you can go argue all of that in another thread.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love Biden's name to still be on the November ballot.

He's weak, frail, and pathetic as he displays with every public statement he makes as evident in the OP video.

I'd love to see him campaign throughout all the swing states in 2024, and call a lid by 2pm each day.

But the simple fact is its not 2020 anymore, with a pandemic the media can constantly blame Trump on, and Biden can't hide in his basement using COVID for an excuse not to campaign.

So, to everyone voting 'Biden is on the ballot in November,' I hope you're right.

when you can hide in a basement and still get over 81 million people to vote for you just because youre not as much the piece of shit as the other guy, i'd say that it doesnt really matter whether you campaign or not.

at this point hunter biden's laptop could probably win the election and become president. all it would have to do is run against trump.

i mean they voted in a senile old bag of bones with dementia. a dude who cant even form a coherent sentence or remember his grandchildrens name. at that point they dont care who they are voting for, as long as it aint that other guy! and this was before they had a chance to know that he was also running against a rapist, a sexual predator, and a serial fraudster who cheats on his wives with whores from gangbang videos, steals classified documents and hides them next to his shitter and then lies to the courts about having them, and tries to defraud his country and defraud an election when he can't win it by votes. shit if the voters were aware of that perhaps he could have raked in over 90 million votes against him!

i mean sure, that sounds cool to the maga trash, he won't lose a vote there. but these people only understand flash cards and memes and they have to tune into tucker carlson and be told just what to think about everything. the fraudy orange rapist could sexually assault their wives and then defame them and rob them of all their cash right there on 5'th avenue and he won't lose any of their votes. but who cares about any of them anyways? they will always be the vocal minority.

trump can run his cope campaign all he wants. his only platform is retribution against anybody he feels has ever hurt his feelings and he is only running to try to keep himself out of prison. yeah that's a guy who i totally would want to vote for if i wasn't in a cult. i can just see the appeal. especially after seeing how he treated his most loyal of supporters who went to war for him at the capitol to take back their country after all of the lies that he fed them and then they got hauled off to jail. he threw them all under the bus, they called them a bunch of feds and antifa members, and then he pardoned the guy who stole their build-the-wall money instead!

i dont know about you but if i'm getting punked out in prison over a bunch of lies and bullshit that somebody fed me, the least they could do is put some money on my books after to make my time a little more bearable. pardoning that rapper dude and the guy who stole their wall money because none of his most loyal of supporters had 2 million dollars to buy a pardon with after they put their freedom on the line fighting for his cause. what a selfless guy! i wish i had more friends like that guy who would bail me out whenever i run into a struggle in life. somebody who wouldn't just stiff me and tell me to go fuck myself like i was one of his lawyers or contractors that are no longer useful to him! somebody who wouldn't throw me under the bus and say shit like "i never liked the guy anyways!" after i get hauled off to jail for lying on the witness stand to help conceal his wrongdoings!

yeah that dude seems like he has put everybody elses interests at heart ahead of his own. loyalty is not a one-way street with that guy. he's the poster boy of law and order. a true devoted christian family man. the beacon of honesty, integrity, and intelligence. i really can't understand why over 81 million people wouldn't want to vote for him. but im sure those 81 million people will suddenly have a change of heart once he starts talking about obama's real birth certificate, his upcoming health care plan, and of course, all of his evidence of election fraud that he's going to bring to court one of these years!
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I'll go with early September, before the first debate
when you can get over 81 million people to vote for you just because youre not as much the piece of shit as the other guy, i'd say that it doesnt really matter whether you campaign or not.


Honest question - Do you think anybody reads those long posts when you can't even use proper capitalization?

Honest question - Do you think anybody reads those long posts when you can't even use proper capitalization?

did tucker tell you that or did you come up with that thought all by yourself?

like i said. some people need memes and flash cards. they are a little bit slow and their politics do not revolve around facts, they revolve around feelings. now you go run along and find that fraud. and after youre done beating that little dick off to hunter biden's latest nudes and a bunch of meaningless polls, make sure you get your donations in. the super rich guy needs some more of your money to pay off his fraud, defamation, and rape victims, and america ain't gonna save itself!