Toasty Random thought thread, AKA wasteland here we come, AKA mine you can't post here, AKA the AKA thread


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2004
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I hate it when people tell me I'm hard to buy gifts for. I mean I am old and don't want much and pretty much buy the few small things I do, so they may have a point.

So recognizing that I will often give the few people in my life I have failed to alienate past the point of gift giving closeness, a very short list of very inexpensive items that might amuse me.

Then the fuckers fuck that simple task up. On christmass I got to open up the same gift twice and then be told it was somehow my fault for giving the same list 2 my wife and mom thinking they might coordinate. this year I am going to formally register as if I'm getting married so the store's website will show what has already been bought.

Another instance, I have become dedicated to going to the gym again, but every T shirt and all my sweat pants I have are either black or gray. So i end up looking like this
So I ask for Champion xl sweats in bright colors AND I SEND THE AMAZON LINK.

Today I am sitting in the black pair of off brand sweats that my mother in law bought me. She was kind enough to buy a 2nd pair, gray. The off brand sweats are great, vastly superior to the ones I asked for because-

A- they have giant cargo pockets on them, I mean nothing says I am ready for an explosive work out than pockets stuff full of electronics and my wallet.

B- Might be made for women as they sit very low on my hips giving the gym access to great ass cleavage shots when I squat, or dead lift or lean over the water fountain for a drink, or breathe air.

C- Make up for being low slung by being very short in the legs, should the gym flood I am going to be laughing at all the regular fitting sweat pants wearers and their soggy ankles.

D- Have drawstrings made out of a kind of glossy fabric that likes to come undone under the mildest strain, so things like blinking and swallowing saliva tend to loosen them with the bonus of even more ass cleavage being shown.

So then I begin to suspect it was intentional, which makes me an asshole right? BUT I MEAN I SENT THE FUCKING LINK.
speaking of the gym, things have radically changed in the decade or two since I was going to to a gym

first of all y'all suck with your cell phones, sitting on a piece of equipment for 5 to 10 minutes staring at your phone and then doing another set and staring again. At first I though people were entering their lift totals and tracking their workouts but they are just staring at texts and videos. Y'all look like a fucking twighlight zone zombie

second when did we become so body positive that every single woman going to my gym stuff themselves into workout tights and a sports bra? If you are 4 lbs of sausage don't try to stuff it in a 1lb casing. And maybe juts maybe cover yourself up. I get that is an old man rant, but all that jelly bouncing is getting me seasick on the eliptical. I see more flesh at my gym than I did at the strip clubs of my youth

then you get the "I train UFC" bro's working their shadow boxing and thai clinch knees in front of a mirror. Dude this is a fucking planet fitness full of old fucks like me, you ain't impressing anyone with that off balance elbow. And stop checking your abs in the mirror, those 20 crunches didn't change them appreciably from the last check before those 20 crunches and they won't change much after your next set, so stop pulling up your shirts,

Lastly, wipe your shit down, it takes two seconds, their are signs and stations everywhere, especially in the areobics area, watching you fuckers sweat your balls of next to me for 15 minutes, then walk off and go sit on a piece of equipement your not even going to use to stare at your phone, then walk off leaving a sweat outline of your arsehole is starting to bother me a bit. Surprisingly both genders are equally bad about this. Old fashioned as I am I thought women might be more conscientious about it but nippety nope they are just as slovenly as the bro's
it is my firm belief that esad ribic draws the greatest comic book covers of all time

ribic 1.JPGribic 2.JPGribic 3.JPGribic 4.JPG
Though I really wish Wolvie had been reading Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas or The book of 5 rings or the Art of War instead of Walden
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Cottage Cheese sucks right? I mean there must be some who like it but they are mutants and cannabalistic humanoid underground dwelling fleshy headed mutants right?
As I grow old I find I enjoy NHL hockey a lot more and basketball a lot less. playoff hockey intensity makes sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, golf, car racing, etc seem frivolous. I do wish hockey players had to stay on the ice longer than like a 2 minute shift but other than than, no complaints
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man I wanna know what @Slobodan thinks.

He likes to work out in sweat cargo pants.
also he loves cottage cheese as a work out snack. Mixes it with pineapple

Also I have switched out me toast to "crisp bread" in the morning,
What a weird name "crisp bread".

But I needed to get away from the toast in the morning.

and @helax told me about crisp bread.
Dragonflies are supposed to be the most effective hunters. They succeed in killing their prey close to 95% of the time.
I would hate to have a giant ass dragonfly chasing me