Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

How long ago did the Trump/ Stormy shit happen
FBI mishandled docs in a mishandling doc case
DA Fanni fucking/ paying WADE

I've seen some lame deflections before but for this you really need Trump diapers. Who cares how long ago it was? It still happened, didn't it?

And what a dumb deflection anyway. You said it's ok to be corrupt if it helps Trump and the MAGA Republicans continue their fascist march to (white) power.

Too bad it's not gonna happen, bitch tits. Best buckle up those new designer pampers.

Maybe you want to take a shot at this question:
How many lawyers have lost their license to practice because they went along with Trump's schemes?
lol get bent.
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Fani fucking/ paying Wade and standing up in church and lying about it

Digging up Fani Willis' personal and sex life has no bearing on your favorite rapist attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
I say we focus more of the man with 91 felonies, multiple affairs and a rape conviction.
She took a paid for trip to Montana to be wined and dined by the same folks that give Clarence Thomas kickbacks, and she didn't report any of it. She's being instructed, plain as day.
Bc Clarence not getting in any trouble what so ever is permission for the rest of the Supreme Court justices to cash in on their positions
Bc Clarence not getting in any trouble what so ever is permission for the rest of the Supreme Court justices to cash in on their positions

Her incompetence is probably going to get her a seat on the SC if Trump wins in November. She delays the Documents case due to her own fucking around and not ruling on motions in a timely manner, it's incredible.
Her incompetence is probably going to get her a seat on the SC if Trump wins in November. She delays the Documents case due to her own fucking around and not ruling on motions in a timely manner, it's incredible.
Cannon will go down in the books as a saint
Small Peen Smith mishandled docs in a mishandle docs case

Smith prosecuted Democrat Bob Menendez LOST
Smith prosecuted Arizona congressman Rick Renzi
Smith prosecuted the former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell

The Court observed that “there is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that. But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute.” (Politico, 6/27/16). The High Court also rebuked Smith and warned that “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.”

Smith once again will tuck his tail and put on a dress...like a bitch

Exactly dummy... she had no business testifying. Are you that dense? This idiot judge just gave reason number 24 on why the whole case gets tossed on appeal.

Did she receive money from Sleepy-D to keep quiet about his two-pump encounter so that it wouldn't be known to the voting public as he was then running for President?

And you're calling me a dummy.

Which laws did Trump break ?

in regards to the New York NDA case? No one can tell us, not even the Prosecution. They claim 34 documents, but their must be an underlying crime. They have zero. So, they parade Stormy on to the stand. I feel bad for the woman. She's going through the grinder, because she has chosen to associate herself with bad people, including Trump, for a very long time. It's all pretty crappy that the Democrats think this is alright. Trump is a dirtbag, but abusing the Justice System like this is an even worse, as it comes off authoritarian.
It's a review of the decision of the judge to let Fani Willis stay on as prosecutor. The case will continue whether she's the D.A. or not.

Sorry to burst your bubble.


There's no timeline on the review, but even after the intermediate court decision, the losing party can still request the State supreme court to consider an appeal. It significantly delays progress of the case any way you look at it.