What fictional city town or world would you want to live in/on and why?


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2004
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Pick from anywhere, movies, tv, books, comics, etc. PLEASE explain why you chose the one you chose.....I'ma think on this one for a while and will post reply later...
The town in the Truman show.

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You can do that, actually. It's a real town on the panhandle in FL called Seaside. I think it was mostly building facades when they shot the movie, but then they built them for real because it looked so nice. Haven't been in like 10 years, but it looked pretty much the same as the movie except they also have like a market of airstream shops across from the beach.

So my original thought was The Shire, I'd certainly be the center on the basketball team, we eat something like 9 meals a day, I can drink at the various pubs, the fireworks shows are run by Gandalf and pretty spectacular, but that world has orcs and wargs and dragons and all that shit and eventually they're going to eat me and my peace loving hobbit neighbors so that is out......

Then i thought Tatooine, I'd be a regular at Mos Eisley and the pod races, but I gotta worry about sith and death stars and the like, so yeah that is out too....

There are some obvious no's, many of which you've already chosen.......places from dystopian video games are out. Gotham is out I mean you have a street called Crime alley..Metropolis seems much nicer but it is also always on the verge of destruction so out....I'd be slaughtered anywhere in the Game of Thrones cities and I would want access to modern medicine, no leeches and blood magic for me.

Mayberry boring, lot of alcoholism and poor policing rule it out for me

So I'd live in Stars Hollow from the Gilmore Girls. I'd eat pancakes at Luke's diner, participate in all the wholesome events and festivals at the town square, I'd probably study dance at Miss Patty's dance school, and occasionally head into the big city for some cultural events. I'd eat Sookie's amazing cooking will trading witticisms with Laurelei and Rory and Kirk and Luke and the place is rich and safe. So yeah, Stars Hollow is where I'd big my hole
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