When will they be announcing the UK card's main and co-main? Why the delay?


Red Belt
May 13, 2018
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We obviously already know the 2 big names, Leon and Tom.

Their opponents should also be well known, Belal and Blaydes. Yet these happen to be 2 names the UFC really hates, is it possible the delay is because they're having other opponents appointed for Leon and Tom?
It's hard to make a full card with Bisping and Paddy
The UFC thinks that locals starved for the UFC to come to them don't give a shit about who's on the card.
Not wise to assume both will be on that card.

It COULD happen but I wound not assume this. they might want to save HW title fight for vegas
The event is geared towards US fans so don't get why its in Manchester.
Who actually wants to see Leon vs Belal 2? it's not a needle mover.

Give us Leon vs Shavkat.
King Charles needs to confirm his presence before Dana blesses you fools
We obviously already know the 2 big names, Leon and Tom.

Their opponents should also be well known, Belal and Blaydes. Yet these happen to be 2 names the UFC really hates, is it possible the delay is because they're having other opponents appointed for Leon and Tom?

They aint letting belal anywhere near that title <lol>
What delay? You must be new to the sport
Dunno anything about whats going on with the Leon fight, but Aspinall said on the UFC 301 recap on TNT sports that he's waiting on his opponent to sign the contract still, there's been some sort of hold up but he doesn't know more than that.
Dana is thinking if he is actually going to give Belal a title shot or not.

One moment he is like Im gonna do it. The next he is like naaah. What is Shavkat/Habib/Islam up to?
Frankly I'd put good money on Aspinall to win that fight.

I very much doubt it ever happens though (the fight). When Jones smells too much danger, he generally doesn't sign the contract.
UK is the new Brazil. Soon enough cards will be just as shit, if not more

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