Elections Trump wants a billion dollars from oil for election. Promises them an easy time if elected .

You're a hack because when your party's candidate is calling for a bribe, something we have not seen before from a presidential candidate, your response is to just pretend that it's normal.
You just accept it with a few more layers of theatre in between. Then pretend you’re smarter, lol.
If gas gets back down to $2 a gallon
lol at saying the quiet part out loud

All modern day politicians funnel money from corporations and lobbyists in exchange for influence.
While I do agree with Jack on a great number of things, we've definitely butted heads on some certain issues and the biggest contention I have with him is that he insists that money and corporate lobby have little to no impact on policy. I actually called the corporate lobby legal bribery, and he insisted that bribery and lobbying are two separate things - I argued that the only discernible difference being that the quid pro quo in lobbying is an implied agreement, rather than something done implicitly in secret, however the results and function are the same.

Don't get me wrong, I think Jack is a very bright guy, however how he fails to understand that money and lobbying play a big role in policy on both sides of the aisle is beyond me. I think he is educated more in the textbook way of how things are supposed to work rather than the reality.

For me, money in politics is the single biggest problem our system employs. I would contend that it was designed this way on purpose, to give the facade that the people have control through voting, but that would just make me a CTard. I refuse to believe that the curated choice we get for representatives and politicians is actually a valid choice - like telling someone that a choice between getting run over by a truck or taking a bullet to the head is a real choice. There has to be better, more intelligent choices out there than Trump v Biden again.
You do stuff rich people like, they give you money to finance your campaign so you can get elected again. It's simple.
Studies showing it doesn't work like that just use absurd exaggerations.
Example, a candidate with billions on hand may receive hundreds of millions from big oil and not help them.
Or show how the candidate with the most money doesn't always win.

The main point remains, you need a considerable sum to win a major election and you need to do stuff rich people like. It's not like a direct bribe where you do exactly what the person paying you wants but it's still something to think about.

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