Social Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names

I don’t understand why predominantly conservative white Virginians want to honor a failed resurrection against the US government. These Southern Generals should have been executed as traitors to their country, not celebrated.

The CSA lasted what 4 years? Why are we celebrating its abject failure 150 years later? The confederate states of America was responsible for some 600,000 deaths on America soil.
I knew a guy who tried that distinction with me, saying he applied it to white scumbags as well. I didn't buy it. Rock's bit is funny because he's a comic who is good at his job, but I don't buy that any good comes from it.
He's speaking the truth and it does apply to white trash in the same way....Only person that would take offense to what he's saying is because ...well the Jordons Fit.
But nobody just calls certain types of people "shitty people", for a reason. We got names for these folks, and if the black community has a name for certain folks that others nod their head and agree with, it shouldn't be anymore offensive than other names all cultures have for their dregs. There's a reason why that Chris Rock bit is legendary. It's because everybody, no matter their race, knows exactly what he's talking about. Same with when he follows up with a "white" stereotype of white trash rednecks fucking their sisters and eating mayonnaise sandwiches. Ain't no white people getting offended by that. We know it's true.
Right On....Only white people that would get offended by that are the ones that those terms are actually referring to...I've been all over the Southern Appalachians and met some of the finest white people but also met some White Trash. If you're offended by something its usually because its true...
Listening to the towns folk advocate for Stonewalls name to adorn the middle school; I could almost imagine the same folks defending a public lynching.

I don’t know if ripping the school names down during the George Floyd period without involving the community was progress but I do know this is a step backward. How the south loves to hold on to their losing ancestors is bizarre at best.
He's speaking the truth and it does apply to white trash in the same way....Only person that would take offense to what he's saying is because ...well the Jordons Fit.
LOL @ "the truth" GTFO
Conservatives love to mention how America fought to dismantle slavery. The truth is America fought to MAINTAIN slavery, against those who fought to maintain the union.

Why is it the south only seems to venerate men who fought to preserve slavery and dismantle the union? Four years of history accounting for so many monuments. And don't these idiots realize that honoring the defenders of slavery is an enormous insult to the descendants of slaves?

Lincoln fucked up when he kept Johnson as vice. When Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson assumed the presidency, that was pretty much it for the political will to fix the south.

Modern conservatives fought to keep the bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Tennessee state capitol. That's a pretty huge insult to the descendants of slaves and it's a modern act.
At the very least they need to acknowledge and honor the white people that ended slavery in the USA…..

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